• *

    A Woman Scaly & a Man all Hairy

    Is such a Match as he who dares

    Will find the Womans Scales Scrape off the Mans Hairs

  • NOW thou hast loved me one whole day,

    To-morrow when thou leavest, what wilt thou say?

    Wilt thou then antedate some new-made vow?
    Or say that now

    We are not just those persons which we were?

    Or that oaths made in reverential fear

    Of Love, and his wrath, any...

  • Wonder — is not precisely Knowing

    And not precisely Knowing not —

    A beautiful but bleak condition

    He has not lived who has not felt —

    Suspense — is his maturer Sister —

    Whether Adult Delight is Pain

    Or of itself a new misgiving —

    This is the Gnat that mangles men —

  •   Love hailed a little maid,

      Romping through the meadow:

        Heedless in the sun she played,

      Scornful of the shadow.

        "Come with me," whispered he;

      "Listen, sweet, to love and reason."

        "By and by," she mocked reply;

          "Love's not in season."

        Years went,...

  • Would you like summer? Taste of ours.

    Spices? Buy here!

    Ill! We have berries, for the parching!

    Weary! Furloughs of down!

    Perplexed! Estates of violet trouble ne'er looked on!

    Captive! We bring reprieve of roses!

    Fainting! Flasks of air!

    Even for Death, a fairy medicine.


  •         A kingly vulture sat alone,

                Lord of the ruin round,

            Where Egypt's ancient monuments

                Upon the desert frowned.


            A hunter's eager eye had marked

                The form of that proud bird,

            And through the voiceless solitude

  •             Sweet Tivoli! upon thy grassy side,

                    Whene'er I linger through the summer day,

                And the soft music of thy silvery tide

                    So sweetly wiles the lagging hours away,

            I cannot deem but thou are e'en as fair

            As that Italian vale whose name thy waters bear...

  •    DEAR little, pretty, fav'rite ore,

    That once increas'd Gloriana's store;

    That lay within her bosom bless'd,

    Gods might have envied thee thy nest.

    I've read, imperial Jove of old

    For love transform'd himself to gold:

    And why, for a more lovely lass,

    May he not now have...

  • Think, Delia, with what cruel haste

       Our fleeting pleasures move,

    Nor heedless thus in sorrow waste

       The moments due to love.

    Be wise, my fair, and gently treat

       These few that are our friends;

    Think, thus abus'd, what sad regret

       Their speedy flight attends!


  • Was it for this, with thee a pleasing load,

    I sadly wander'd thro' the hostile wood;

    When I thought fortune's spite could do no more,

    To see thee perish on a foreign shore?

    Oh my lov'd babe! my treasure's left behind,

    Ne'er sunk a cloud of grief upon my mind;

    Rich in my children---on...