• You love the Lord — you cannot see —

    You write Him — every day —

    A little note — when you awake —

    And further in the Day.

    An Ample Letter — How you miss —

    And would delight to see —

    But then His House — is but a Step —

    And Mine's — in Heaven — You see.

  • You said that I "was Great" — one Day —

    Then "Great" it be — if that please Thee —

    Or Small — or any size at all —

    Nay — I'm the size suit Thee —

    Tall — like the Stag — would that?

    Or lower — like the Wren —

    Or other heights of Other Ones

    I've seen?

    Tell which — it's...

    * * *

    You say their Pictures well Painted be

    And yet they are Blockheads you all agree

    Thank God I never was sent to school

    To be Flogd into following the Style of a Fool[4]

  • You see I cannot see — your lifetime —

    I must guess —

    How many times it ache for me — today — Confess —

    How many times for my far sake

    The brave eyes film —

    But I guess guessing hurts —

    Mine — got so dim!

    Too vague — the face —

    My own — so patient — covets —


  • You taught me Waiting with Myself —

    Appointment strictly kept —

    You taught me fortitude of Fate —

    This — also — I have learnt —

    An Altitude of Death, that could

    No bitterer debar

    Than Life — had done — before it —

    Yet — there is a Science more —

    The Heaven you know —...

  • You'll find — it when you try to die —

    The Easier to let go —

    For recollecting such as went —

    You could not spare — you know.

    And though their places somewhat filled —

    As did their Marble names

    With Moss — they never grew so full —

    You chose the newer names —

    And when...

  • You'll know Her — by Her Foot —

    The smallest Gamboge Hand

    With Fingers — where the Toes should be —

    Would more affront the Sand —

    Than this Quaint Creature's Boot —

    Adjusted by a Stern —

    Without a Button — I could vouch —

    Unto a Velvet Limb —

    You'll know Her — by Her...

  • You'll know it — as you know 'tis Noon —

    By Glory —

    As you do the Sun —

    By Glory —

    As you will in Heaven —

    Know God the Father — and the Son.

    By intuition, Mightiest Things

    Assert themselves — and not by terms —

    "I'm Midnight" — need the Midnight say —


  • You're right — "the way is narrow" —

    And "difficult the Gate" —

    And "few there be" — Correct again —

    That "enter in — thereat" —

    'Tis Costly — So are purples!

    'Tis just the price of Breath —

    With but the "Discount" of the Grave —

    Termed by the Brokers — "Death"!


  • You've seen Balloons set — Haven't You?

    So stately they ascend —

    It is as Swans — discarded You,

    For Duties Diamond —

    Their Liquid Feet go softly out

    Upon a Sea of Blonde —

    They spurn the Air, as t'were too mean

    For Creatures so renowned —

    Their Ribbons just beyond the...