• VER. 3-6, originally thus:--

                   Chaste Goddess of the woods,

    Nymphs of the vales, and Naiads of the floods,

    Lead me through arching bowers, and glimmering glades.

    Unlock your springs, &c.

    VER. 25-28. Originally thus:--

    Why should I sing our better suns or air,

  • Winter is good — his Hoar Delights

    Italic flavor yield

    To Intellects inebriate

    With Summer, or the World —

    Generic as a Quarry

    And hearty — as a Rose —

    Invited with Asperity

    But welcome when he goes.

  • Winter under cultivation

    Is as arable as Spring.

  • I FIX mine eye on thine, and there
    Pity my picture burning in thine eye;

    My picture drown'd in a transparent tear,
    When I look lower I espy;
    Hadst thou the wicked skill


  • Witchcraft has not a Pedigree

    'Tis early as our Breath

    And mourners meet it going out

    The moment of our death —

  • Witchcraft was hung, in History,

    But History and I

    Find all the Witchcraft that we need

    Around us, every Day —

  • I hide myself within my flower,

    That wearing on your breast,

    You, unsuspecting, wear me too —

    And angels know the rest.

    I hide myself within my flower,

    That, fading from your vase,

    You, unsuspecting, feel for me

  •  * * *

    With happiness stretchd across the hills

    In a cloud that dewy sweetness distills

    With a blue sky spread over with wings

    And a mild sun that mounts & sings
    5 With trees & fields full of Fairy elves...

  • With Pinions of Disdain

    The soul can farther fly

    Than any feather specified

    in Ornithology —

    It wafts this sordid Flesh

    Beyond its dull — control

    And during its electric gale —

    The body is a soul —

    instructing by the same —

    How little work it be —

    To put...