Title Poet Year Written Collection Body
A Colombina en Carnaval Evaristo Carriego 1903 Spanish

 Colombina ¿qué se hicieron
tus risas de cascabel?
¡Ah! desde que se perdieron
— lo saben quienes te oyeron —
quedó inconcluso un rondel...

 Surge de las...

A Colón Rubén Darío 1887 Spanish

¡Desgraciado Almirante! Tu pobre América,
tu india virgen y hermosa de sangre cálida,
la perla de tus sueños, es una histérica
de convulsivos nervios y frente pálida.

Un desastroso espirítu posee tu tierra:
donde la tribu unida blandió sus mazas,
hoy se...

A Colón Clemente Althaus 1855 Spanish

Descubridor de un mundo y adivino,
¡quién añade a mi lira cuerdas nuevas!
¡quién da a mis manos el laúd divino
del lírico de Tebas,
o de aquel por quien osa
la palma a Tebas disputar Venosa!
¡Lograra entonces con ingenio y arte
dignos de tu grandeza...

A Common Inference Charlotte Perkins Stetson English

A night: mysterious, tender, quiet, deep;
Heavy with flowers; full of life asleep;
Thrilling with insect voices; thick with stars;
No cloud between the dewdrops and red Mars;
The small earth whirling softly on her way,
The moonbeams and the waterfalls at...

A Complaint (Bleecker)

Tell me thou all pervading mind,
When I this life forsake,

Must ev'ry tender tie unbind,

A compter nos brebis je remplace ma mère André Chénier 1778 French

A compter nos brebis je remplace ma mère ;
Dans nos riches enclos j'accompagne mon père ;
J'y travaille avec lui. C'est moi de qui la main,
Au retour de l'été, fait résonner l'airain
Pour arrêter bientôt d'une ruche troublée
Avec ses jeunes rois la jeunesse envolée...

A Conjecture Charles Francis Richardson English

I wonder, dear, if you had been
  The maiden queen’s pet maid of honor,
A flower of that fair time wherein
  A court of roses smiled upon her,

And I, erewhile, by Trojan wall
  Had fiercely fought for Grecian glory,
Beheld the pride of Priam fall...

A Conservative Charlotte Perkins Stetson English

The garden beds I wandered by
  One bright and cheerful morn,
When I found a new-fledged butterfly,
  A-sitting on a thorn,
A black and crimson butterfly,
  All doleful and forlorn.

I thought that life could have no sting
  To infant...

A Conservative Charlotte Perkins Gilman 1880 English

The Garden beds I wandered by
  One bright and cheerful morn,
When I found a new-fledged butterfly,
  A-sitting on a thorn,
A black and crimson butterfly,
  All doleful and forlorn.

I thought that life could have no sting,
  To infant...

A Consuelo Clemente Althaus 1855 Spanish

Razón, consuelo, has tenido
al decir que tu traslado
ningún artista ha logrado
que te salga parecido.
Pero no es justo que estés
demostrando airado pecho
con ellos, por no haber hecho
lo que posible no es:
ya que cincel y pinceles
en tu...

À Corinne *** Alexandre Latil 1834 French

Un amour malheureux est un bonheur encore.
(Mme Desbordes Valmore)

Il faut te fuir, séduisante Corinne ;
Il faut te fuir et ne plus te revoir :
De tes attraits la puissance divine
Troubla mon être, et dicta ce devoir....

A Corn-Song Paul Laurence Dunbar 1892 English

On the wide veranda white,
In the purple failing light,
Sits the master while the sun is lowly burning;
And his dreamy thoughts are drowned
In the softly flowing sound
Of the corn-songs of the field-hands slow returning.

        Oh, we hoe de co’...

A Countrywoman of Mine Elaine Goodale Eastman English

Handsome? i hardly know. Her profile ’s fine—
Delightful, intellectual, aquiline.

Her keen eyes light it; keen, yet often kind;
Her fair hair crowns it to an artist’s mind.

Fine figure and fine manners, without doubt,
Determine half her charm, and bear...

A Court Lady Elizabeth Barrett Browning 1826 English

Her hair was tawny with gold, her eyes with purple were dark,
Her cheeks’ pale opal burnt with a red and restless spark.

Never was lady of Milan nobler in name and in race;
Never was lady of Italy fairer to see in the face.

Never was lady on earth more true as...

A Cradle Hymn Isaac Watts 1694 English

Abbreviated from the Original
HUSH! my dear, lie still, and slumber,
  Holy angels guard thy bed!
Heavenly blessings without number
  Gently falling on thy head.

Sleep, my babe; thy food and raiment,
  House and home, thy friends provide;

A Cradle Song (Blake, 1794)

A Cradle Song

Sleep, Sleep, beauty bright,

Dreaming o'er the joys of night;

Sleep, Sleep; in thy sleep

Little sorrows sit & weep.

Sweet Babe, in thy face

Soft desires I can...

À Crémazie William Chapman 1904 French


Un siècle était passé depuis l’heure où la France,
Lasse de prodiguer sous nos cieux la vaillance,
Cédait notre grand fleuve aux Anglais triomphants.
Un siècle était passé depuis l’heure fatale
Où la mère patrie à sa vieille rivale
Livrait en nos...

A Creole Slave-Song Maurice Thompson English

What bird is that, with voice so sweet,
  Sings to the sun from yonder tree?
What girl is that so slim and fleet,
Comes through the cane her love to meet?
  Foli zo-zo, sing merrily.
  The pretty girl she comes to me!

What wind is that upon the...

A Crew Poem Edward Augustus Blount, Jr English

So happy were Columbia’s eight,
  As near the goal they drew,
Each struggling hero all elate,
  The cock-swain almost crew.

A Cristo crucificado Gabriel Álvarez de Toledo 1682 Spanish

De cuatro aceradas puntas
con cruda violencia roto,
vierte el divino cadáver
cuatro sangrientos arroyos.
Bárbara impiedad le ciñe
de espinas diadema tosco
en que le añade al tormento
nuevas puntas el oprobio.
En la esfera de su frente