Title Poet Year Written Collection Body
A Crowned Poet Anne Reeve Aldrich English

In thy coach of state
  Pass, O King, along:
He no envy feels
  To whom God giveth song.

Starving, still I smile,
  Laugh at want and wrong:
He is fed and crowned
  To whom God giveth song.

Better than all pomps

A Cry from the Shore Ellen Mackay Hutchinson Cortissoz English

Come down, ye graybeard mariners,
  Unto the wasting shore!
The morning winds are up,—the gods
  Bid me to dream no more.
Come tell me whither I must sail,
  What peril there may be,
Before I take my life in hand
  And venture out to sea!...

A Cry in the World English
A Cry to Arms Henry Timrod English

ho, woodsmen of the mountain-side!
  Ho, dwellers in the vales!
Ho, ye who by the chafing tide
  Have roughened in the gales!
Leave barn and byre, leave kin and cot,
  Lay by the bloodless spade;
Let desk and case and counter rot,...

A cuatro hermanas José Marchena 1788 Spanish

La villana avaricia, el insaciable
amor del mando y del poder supremo
las bajas tierras oprimido habían;
abrumados gemían
los hombres bajo el cetro intolerable,
y del dolor en el violento extremo
los dioses invocaban,
que sordos a sus ruegos se...

A Cupido Ignacio María de Acosta 1834 Spanish

Mira, traidor Cupido;
Mira, rapaz aleve
ya que mi mal te place
y mis tormentos quieres,
que no temo los tiros
de las saetas crueles
con que en el pecho triste
tan sin piedad me hieres.
Y si gustas burlarte
y atormentarme siempre;

A Cupidon Pierre de Ronsard 1555 French

Le jour pousse la nuit,
Et la nuit sombre
Pousse le jour qui luit
D'une obscure ombre.

L'Autonne suit l'Esté,
Et l'aspre rage
Des vents n'a point esté
Apres l'orage.

Mais la fièvre d'amours
Qui me tourmente,
Demeure en moy tousjours,...

A Cyclone at Sea William Hamilton Hayne English

A throat of thunder, a tameless heart,
  And a passion malign and free,
He is no sheik of the desert sand.
  But an Arab of the sea!

He sprang from the womb of some wild cloud,
  And was born to smite and slay:
To soar like a million hawks set...

A Dagger of the Mind William Shakespeare 1584 English

 From “Macbeth,” Act II. Sc. 1.
  [MACBETH, before the murder of Duncan, meditating alone, sees the image of a dagger in the air, and thus soliloquizes:]

  IS this a dagger which I see before me,
The handle toward my hand? Come, let me clutch thee:—

A dal szárnyára veszlek Heinrich Heine 1817 Szerelmes

A dal szárnyára veszlek,
s elviszlek, kedvesem,
a Gangesz-parton a legszebb
ligetbe röpülsz velem.

Ott szelíd holdsugárban
virágzó kert susog.
Rád, nővérünkre várnak
a lenge lótuszok.

Ibolyák enyelegnek halkan,
fenn csillag nyúl...

A Damón Jacinto de Salas y Quiroga 1833 Spanish

Una vez sola, o numen de alegría,
una vez sola endulza mis cantares,
los de aquel que jamás pulsó su harpa
sino al claror de antorchas funerales.

Hoy el amor, cual amo, me avasalla,
él me arrastra hasta el pie de sus altares,
él mi labio desata... Dios o...

A Dancing Girl Frances Sargent Osgood English

She comes—the spirit of the dance!
  And but for those large, eloquent eyes,
Where passion speaks in every glance,
  She ’d seem a wanderer from the skies.

So light that, gazing breathless there,
  Lest the celestial dream should go,
You ’d think...

A Danish Barrow Francis Turner Palgrave English

On the East Devon Coast
LIE still, old Dane, below thy heap!
  A sturdy-back and sturdy-limb,
  Whoe’er he was, I warrant him
Upon whose mound the single sheep
  Browses and tinkles in the sun,
  Within the narrow vale alone.

Lie still,...

A Dante Gabriel García Tassara 1837 Spanish

Sagrado Homero de la antigua Europa
Que apuraste en tu ardor hasta las heces
De la suprema inspiración la copa;

Dante inmortal que con los siglos creces
Y al rudo son de tu salvaje canto
A las generaciones estremeces;

Tú, que en las alas de tu genio santo...

A Dante (Giusti) Italian
A Dante Alighieri Italian
A Daughter of Eve

A fool I was to sleep at noon,

  And wake when night is chilly

Beneath the comfortless cold moon;

A fool to pluck my rose too soon,

  A fool to snap my lily.

My garden-plot I have not kept;


A Day (Whittier) English

Talk not of sad November, when a day

Of warm, glad sunshine fills the sky of noon,

And a wind, borrowed from some morn of June,

Stirs the brown grasses and the leafless spray.

On the unfrosted pool the pillared pines

A Day in the Pamfili Doria Harriet Beecher Stowe English

Near Rome
THOUGH the hills are cold and snowy,
  And the wind drives chill to-day,
My heart goes back to a spring-time,
  Far, far in the past away.

And I see a quaint old city,
  Weary and worn and brown,
Where the spring and the birds...

A de Pange André Chénier 1778 French

De Pange, le mortel dont l'âme est innocente,
Dont la vie est paisible et de crimes exempte,
N'a pas besoin du fer qui veille autour des rois,
Des flèches dont le Scythe a rempli son carquois,
Ni du plomb que l'airain vomit avec la flamme.
Incapable de nuire, il ne...