Title Poet Year Written Collection Body
À Don Quichotte Paul Verlaine 1864 French

Ô Don Quichotte, vieux paladin, grand Bohème,
En vain la foule absurde et vile rit de toi :
Ta mort fut un martyre et ta vie un poème,
Et les moulins à vent avaient tort, ô mon roi !

Va toujours, va toujours, protégé par ta foi,
Monté sur ton coursier...

A dona Rosita Rosa Victor Hugo 1844 French


Ce petit bonhomme bleu
Qu'un souffle apporte et remporte,
Qui, dès que tu dors un peu,
Gratte de l'ongle à ta porte,

C'est mon rêve. Plein d'effroi,
Jusqu'à ton seuil il se glisse.
Il voudrait entrer chez toi
En qualité de caprice....

A doña Sylla Silva de Más y Pi Evaristo Carriego 1903 Spanish

 Si de estas cuerdas mías, de tonos más que rudos,
le resultasen ásperos sus rendidos saludos,
y quieres blandos ritmos de credos idealistas,
aguarda delicados poetas modernistas
que alabarán en oro tus posibles...

A doña Sylla Silva de Más y Pi Evaristo Carriego 1903 Spanish

 Si de estas cuerdas mías, de tonos más que rudos,
le resultasen ásperos sus rendidos saludos,
y quieres blandos ritmos de credos idealistas,
aguarda delicados poetas modernistas
que alabarán en oro tus posibles...

A Dorila José María Blanco White 1795 Spanish

Te engañas, mi Dorila,
si juzgas que rendido
de amar sin esperanza
se verá el pecho mío;
que no, no es tan tirano,
cual dicen, el Dios niño,
y sabe aun con las ansias
dar premios exquisitos.
Son necios los amantes
que llaman su dominio

A Dorila: Oda VI Juan Meléndez Valdés 1774 Spanish

¡Cómo se van las horas,
y tras ellas los días,
y los floridos años
de nuestra frágil vida!

La vejez luego viene,
del amor enemiga,
y entre fúnebres sombras
la muerte se avecina,

que, escuálida y temblando,
fea, informe, amarilla,...

A Doubting Heart Adelaide Anne Procter English

Where are the swallows fled?
          Frozen and dead
Perchance upon some bleak and stormy shore.
          O doubting heart!
      Far over purple seas
      They wait, in sunny ease,
      The balmy southern breeze
To bring them to their...

A Dream Elizabeth Clementine Kinney English

’t was summer, and the spot a cool retreat—
Where curious eyes came not, nor footstep rude
Disturbed the lovers’ chosen solitude:
Beneath an oak there was a mossy seat,
Where we reclined, while birds above us wooed
Their mates in songs voluptuously sweet....

A Dream (Burns) English
A Dream Girl Carl Sandburg 1916 Love

You will come one day in a waver of love,
Tender as dew, impetuous as rain,
The tan of the sun will be on your skin,
The purr of the breeze in your murmuring speech,
You will pose with a hill-flower grace.

You will come, with your slim, expressive arms,
A poise of...

A Dream of Death Lucy White Jennison English

I died; they wrapped me in a shroud,
With hollow mourning, far too loud,
And sighs that were but empty sound,
And laid me low within the ground.
I felt her tears through all the rest;
Past sheet and shroud they reached my breast;
They warmed to...

A Dream of Elysium English

PHOEBUS, expell'd by the approaching night,

Blush'd, and for shame clos'd in his bashful light,

While I, with leaden Mopheus overcome,

The Muse whom I adore, enter'd the room.

Her hair...

A Dream of Flowers Titus Munson Coan English

Even at their fairest still I love the less
The blossoms of the garden than the blooms
Won by the mountain climber: theirs the tints
And forms that most delight me,—theirs the charm
That lends an aureole to the azure heights
Whereon they flourish, children...

A Dream within a Dream Edgar Allan Poe 1849 Love

Take this kiss upon the brow!
And, in parting from you now,
Thus much let me avow:
You are not wrong who deem
That my days have been a dream;
Yet if hope has flown away
In a night, or in a day,
In a vision, or in none,
Is it therefore the less gone?

A Drifting Petal Mary McNeil Fenollosa English

If I, athirst by a stream, should kneel
With never a blossom or bud in sight,
Till down on the theme of its liquid night
The moon-white tip of a sudden keel,
    A fairy boat,
Should dawn and float
To my hand, as only the Gods deserve,

A Drop of Dew Andrew Marvell 1641 English

      SEE how the orient dew,
Shed from the bosom of the morn
        Into the blowing roses,
      (Yet careless of its mansion new
For the clear region where ’t was born)
        Round in itself encloses,
      And in its little globe’s extent...

A Drop of Ink Joseph Ernest Whitney English

This drop of ink chance leaves upon my pen,
What might it write in Milton’s mighty hand!
What might it speak at Shakespeare’s high command!
What words to thrill the throbbing hearts of men!
Or from Beethoven’s soul a grand amen,
All life and death in one...

A Dutch Lullaby Eugene Field 1870 English

Wynken, Blynken, and Nod one night
  Sailed off in a wooden shoe—
Sailed on a river of misty light
  Into a sea of dew.
“Where are you going, and what do you wish?”
  The old moon asked the three.
“We have come to fish for the herring-fish...

A eco Clemente Althaus 1855 Spanish

«Infeliz enamorado,
de la ciudad el estruendo
vengo solitario huyendo
a este triste despoblado,
donde tú solo a mi acento
y alto gemido doliente,
respondes con balbuciente
lengua sonora de viento;
repitiendo la postrera
sílaba de cuanto digo...

À Edmond et Jules de Goncourt Théodore de Banville 1843 French

      Comme sur un beau lac où le feuillage tremble,
      Deux cygnes dans l’azur au loin voguent ensemble ;
      Comme deux fiers chevaux, buvant au flot des airs,
      Courent échevelés dans le feu des déserts ;
      Comme en un bas-relief plus blanc que les...