Title Poet Year Written Collection Body
A Fanny malade André Chénier 1778 French

Quelquefois un souffle rapide
Obscurcit un moment sous sa vapeur humide
L'or, qui reprend soudain sa brillante couleur :
Ainsi du Sirius, ô jeune bien-aimée,
Un moment l'haleine enflammée
De ta beauté vermeille a fatigué la fleur.

De quel tendre et léger nuage...

A Far Cry to Heaven Edith Matilda Thomas English

What! dost thou pray that the outgone tide be rolled back on the strand,
The flame be rekindled that mounted away from the smouldering brand,
The past-summer harvest flow golden through stubble-lands snaked and sere,
The winter-gray woods upgather and quicken the leaves...

A Far-Off Rose Josephine Preston Peabody English

O Far-off rose of long ago,
  An hour of sweet, an hour of red,
To live, to breathe, and then to go
  Into the dark ere June was dead!

Why say they: Roses shall return
  With every year as years go on?
New springtime and strange bloom, my rose,...

A Farewell Coventry Patmore 1843 Love

With all my will, but much against my heart,
We two now part.
My Very Dear,
Our solace is, the sad road lies so clear.
It needs no art,
With faint, averted feet
And many a tear,
In our opposèd paths to persevere.
Go thou to East, I West.

A Farewell Mary Ainge De Vere English

I put thy hand aside, and turn away:
Why should I blame the slight and fickle heart
That cannot bravely go, nor boldly stay,
Too weak to cling, and yet too fond to part?
Dead Passion chains thee where her ashes lie.
Cold is the shrine, ah, cold for...

A Farewell Harriet Monroe English

Good-by: nay, do not grieve that it is over—
  The perfect hour;
That the winged joy, sweet honey-loving rover,
  Flits from the flower.

Grieve not,—it is the law. Love will be flying—
  Yea, love and all.
Glad was the living; blessed be the...

A Farewell Charles Kingsley 1839 English

My fairest child, I have no song to give you;
  No lark could pipe to skies so dull and gray;
Yet, ere we part, one lesson I can leave you
            For every day.

Be good, sweet maid, and let who will be clever;
  Do noble things, not dream them, all...

A Farewell Alfred, Lord Tennyson English

Flow down, cold rivulet, to the sea
  Thy tribute wave deliver:
No more by thee my steps shall be,
  For ever and for ever.

Flow, softly flow, by lawn and lea,
  A rivulet then a river:
No where by thee my steps shall be,
  For ever and...

A Farewell to America Richard Henry Wilde English

Farewell, my more than fatherland!
  Home of my heart and friends, adieu!
Lingering beside some foreign strand,
  How oft shall I remember you!
  How often, o’er the waters blue,
Send back a sigh to those I leave,
  The loving and beloved few,...

A farewell to Ole Bull English

        There was a fountain in my heart

            Whose deeps had not been stirred;

        A thirst for music in my soul

            My ear had never heard; --


        A feeling of the incomplete

A Farewell to Tobacco Charles Lamb 1795 English

  MAY the Babylonish curse
Straight confound my stammering verse,
If I can a passage see
In this word-perplexity,
Or a fit expression find,
Or a language to my mind
(Still the phrase is wide or scant),
To take leave of thee, GREAT PLANT!...

A Fedele Lampertico Italian
A Felipe IV Pedro Calderón de la Barca 1620 Spanish

¡Oh tú, temprano sol que en el oriente
de tus primeros años has nacido
coronado de luz resplandeciente,

salve! Y en tanto que a tu grato oído
de mi voz, por cantarte, los acentos
labios son de metal contra el olvido,

con presagios de ilustres...

A Felipe Ruiz Fray Luis de León 1547 Spanish

¿Cuándo será que pueda
libre de esta prisión volar al cielo,
Felipe, y en la rueda
que huye más del suelo,
contemplar la verdad pura sin velo?

Allí a mi vida junto
en luz resplandeciente convertido,
veré distinto y junto
lo que es y lo...

A Felisa Ramón de Campoamor 1837 Spanish

El día de su casamiento con: D Salustiano de Olózaga

Aunque a la aurora temores,
y al mismo sol dés enojos,
te sientan con mil primores
la languidez en los ojos,
y en el cabello las flores.

Muestran tantas maravillas
los diamantes en tu...

À Fernand Langlois Paul Verlaine 1864 French

Vous vous êtes penché sur ma mélancolie,
Non comme un indiscret, non comme un curieux,
Et vous avez surpris la clef de ma folie,
Tel un consolateur attentif et pieux ;

Et vous avez ouvert doucement ma serrure,
Y mettant tout le temps, non ainsi qu’un voleur,

A Fernando Velarde Juan León Mera 1852 Spanish

A su paso por Ambato.


¿Qué misteriosa magia, dulcísimo poeta,
se encierra en tu inflamado y hermoso corazón,
que el mío deleitando le atrae, le sujeta,
y al par le comunica su fuego abrasador?

¿Por qué del alma tuya la mía...

A Fiction Anonymous English

Attributed to “A. W.”
How Cupid Made a Nymph Wound Herself with His Arrow

IT chanced of late a shepherd’s swain,
That went to seek a strayed sheep,
Within a thicket on the plain,
Espied a dainty Nymph asleep.

Her golden hair o’erspread her face,...

A Fille - L'avverte acciò non giudichi secondo le apparenze Italian

     Odi le rapide

Ruote sonanti

Tratte dai fervidi
4Destrier fumanti!

     Scansiam solleciti

L’urto villano,...

A Flight Shot Maurice Thompson English

We were twin brothers, tall and hale,
Glad wanderers over hill and dale.

We stood within the twilight shade
Of pines that rimmed a Southern glade.

He said: “Let ’s settle, if we can,
Which of us is the stronger man.

“We ’ll try a flight shot...