Title Poet Year Written Collection Body
Washington James Russell Lowell English

   [From “Under the Elm,” read at Cambridge, July 3, 1875, on the Hundredth Anniversary of Washington’s taking Command of the American Army.]

BENEATH our consecrated elm
A century ago he stood,
Famed vaguely for that old fight in the wood,
Which redly foamèd round...

Washington's Statue Henry Theodore Tuckerman English

The quarry whence thy form majestic sprung
    Has peopled earth with grace,
Heroes and gods that elder bards have sung,
    A bright and peerless race;
But from its sleeping veins ne’er rose before
    A shape of loftier name
Than his, who Glory’s...

Washington. On Huntington's picture of Washington crossing the Alleghany in early life English

        More proudly on thy winding course,

            Dark Alleghany! flow;

        The noblest burden thou couldst bear

            Is on thy waters now.


        But calm be every turbid wave,

Wasserfahrt Heinrich Heine 1827 German

     Ich stand gelehnet an den Mast,
Und zählte jede Welle.
Ade! mein schönes Vaterland
Mein Schiff, das segelt schnelle!

5      Ich kam schön Liebchens Haus vorbei,
Die Fensterscheiben blinken;
Ich guck’ mir fast die Augen aus,
Doch will mir...

Wasserfahrt Ernst Rauscher 1864 German

Tiefschlummernd nun im Vollmondschein
Des Teiches Wasser ruht,
Ringsum verneigen sich herein
Die Bäume auf die Fluth.

Du aber lenkest anmuthvoll,
Geschickt den kleinen Kahn,
So holder Schiff'rin traute...

Wasserfall bei Nacht I, II Christian Morgenstern 1914 German


Watching Emily Chubbuck Judson English

Sleep, love, sleep!
The dusty day is done.
Lo! from afar the freshening breezes sweep
Wide over groves of balm,
Down from the towering palm,
In at the open casement cooling run,
And round thy lowly bed,
Thy bed of pain,
Bathing thy...

Watching Emily Chubbuck Judson English

In Burmah
SLEEP, love, sleep!
The dusty day is done.
Lo! from afar the freshening breezes sweep
Wide over groves of balm,
Down from the towering palm,
In at the open casement cooling run,
And round thy lowly bed,
Thy bed of pain,...

Watching for Papa Anonymous English

She always stood upon the steps
  Just by the cottage door,
Waiting to kiss me when I came
  Each night home from the store.
Her eyes were like two glorious stars,
  Dancing in heaven’s own blue—
“Papa,” she ’d call like a wee bird,
  “I ’s...

Watend durch den Bach Robert Burns 1860 German

Watend durch den Bach, Du Kleine,
     Watend durch den Bach,
Machst Dir Röckchen naß und Beine,
     Watend durch den Bach.

5           Jenny ist ganz naß, die Kleine,
               Selten trocken, ach!
          Macht sich Röckchen naß und Beine,...

Water makes many Beds English

Water makes many Beds

For those averse to sleep —

Its awful chamber open stands —

Its Curtains blandly sweep —

Abhorrent is the Rest

In undulating Rooms

Whose Amplitude no end invades —


Water, is taught by thirst. English

Water, is taught by thirst.

Land — by the Oceans passed.

Transport — by throe —

Peace — by its battles told —

Love, by Memorial Mold —

Birds, by the Snow.

Waterloo Gérard de Nerval 1826 French

Pleure, Napoléon, ton pouvoir expirant,
Sous d’indignes revers ta gloire est étouffée ;
Qu’en est-il revenu, de ton pompeux trophée ? —
Le char brisé du conquérant ! [1]

L’étranger va fouler...

Waterloo Lord Byron English

[June 15, 1815]
From “Childe Harold,” Canto III.
  THERE was a sound of revelry by night,
  And Belgium’s capital had gathered then
  Her beauty and her chivalry, and bright
  The lamps shone o’er fair women and brave men;
  A thousand hearts beat...

Watervliet Théodore Weustenraad 1831 French

Mort pour la Patrie.

C’est ici que tomba l’élite de nos Braves,
C’est ici que mon frère est mort pour son pays,
Mort, à vingt ans, sous les canons bataves,
La tête emportée en débris.

Oh ! celui-là du moins n’a pas jeté ses armes,

Watteau Théophile Gautier 1831 French

Devers Paris, un soir, dans la campagne,
J’allais suivant l’ornière d’un chemin,
Seul avec moi, n’ayant d’autre compagne
Que ma douleur qui me donnait la main.

L’aspect des champs était sévère et morne,
En harmonie avec l’aspect des cieux,
Rien n’était vert...

Watteau Albert Samain 1879 French

Au-dessus des grands bois profonds
L?étoile du berger s?allume...
Groupes sur l?herbe dans la brume...
Pizzicati des violons...
Entre les mains, les mains s?attardent,
Le ciel où les amants regardent
Laisse un reflet rose dans l?eau ;
Et dans la clairière...

Waves Ralph Waldo Emerson 1823 English

All day the waves assailed the rock,
  I heard no church-bell chime;
The sea-beat scorns the minster clock
  And breaks the glass of Time.

We can but follow to the Sun — English

We can but follow to the Sun —

As oft as He go down

He leave Ourselves a Sphere behind —

'Tis mostly — following —

We go no further with the Dust

Than to the Earthen Door —

And then the Panels are...

We Cover Thee — Sweet Face — English

We Cover Thee — Sweet Face —

Not that We tire of Thee —

But that Thyself fatigue of Us —

Remember — as Thou go —

We follow Thee until

Thou notice Us — no more —

And then — reluctant — turn away