Title Poet Year Written Collection Body
Some say goodnight — at night — English

Some say goodnight — at night —

I say goodnight by day —

Good-bye — the Going utter me —

Goodnight, I still reply —

For parting, that is night,

And presence, simply dawn —

Itself, the purple on the...

Some such Butterfly be seen English

Some such Butterfly be seen

On Brazilian Pampas —

Just at noon — no later — Sweet —

Then — the License closes —

Some such Spice — express and pass —

Subject to Your Plucking —

As the Stars — You knew...

Some things that fly there be — English

Some things that fly there be —

Birds — Hours — the Bumblebee —

Of these no Elegy.

Some things that stay there be —

Grief — Hills — Eternity —

Nor this behooveth me.

There are that resting,...

Some we see no more, Tenements of Wonder English

Some we see no more, Tenements of Wonder

Occupy to us though perhaps to them

Simpler are the Days than the Supposition

Leave us to presume

That oblique Belief which we call Conjecture

Grapples with a Theme...

Some Wretched creature, savior take English

Some Wretched creature, savior take

Who would exult to die

And leave for thy sweet mercy's sake

Another Hour to me

Some — Work for Immortality —

Some — Work for Immortality —

The Chiefer part, for Time —

He — Compensates — immediately —

The former — Checks — on Fame —

Slow Gold — but Everlasting —

The Bullion of Today —

Contrasted with the...

Some, too fragile for winter winds English

Some, too fragile for winter winds

The thoughtful grave encloses —

Tenderly tucking them in from frost

Before their feet are cold.

Never the treasures in her nest

The cautious grave exposes,


Somebody Anonymous English

Somebody ’s courting somebody,
  Somewhere or other to-night;
Somebody ’s whispering to somebody,
Somebody ’s listening to somebody,
  Under this clear moonlight.

Near the bright river’s flow,
Running so still and slow,
Talking so soft...

Somebody’s Darling Marie R. de la Coste 1820 English

Into a ward of the whitewashed halls
  Where the dead and the dying lay,
Wounded by bayonets, shells, and balls,
  Somebody’s darling was borne one day—
Somebody’s darling, so young and brave;
  Wearing yet on his sweet pale face—
Soon to be hid in...

Somehow myself survived the Night English

Somehow myself survived the Night

And entered with the Day —

That it be saved the Saved suffice

Without the Formula.

Henceforth I take my living place

As one commuted led —

A Candidate for Morning...

Something Beyond Mary English

Something beyond! though now, with joy unfound,
  The life-task falleth from thy weary hand,
Be brave, be patient! In the fair beyond
      Thou ’lt understand.

Thou ’lt understand why our most royal hours
  Couch sorrowful slaves bound by low nature’s...

Sometime May Riley Smith 1862 English

Sometime, when all life’s lessons have been learned,
  And sun and stars forevermore have set,
The things which our weak judgments here have spurned,
  The things o’er which we grieved with lashes wet,
Will flash before us, out of life’s dark night,

Sometimes with the Heart

Sometimes with the Heart

Seldom with the Soul

Scarcer once with the Might

Few — love at all.

Somewhat, to hope for, English

Somewhat, to hope for,

Be it ne'er so far

Is Capital against Despair —

Somewhat, to suffer,

Be it ne'er so keen —

If terminable, may be borne.

Somewhere upon the general Earth English

Somewhere upon the general Earth

Itself exist Today —

The Magic passive but extant

That consecrated me —

Indifferent Seasons doubtless play

Where I for right to be —

Would pay each Atom that I am...

Sommation Victor Hugo 1822 French


Laissez-la donc aller cette France immortelle !
Ne la conduisez pas ! Et quel besoin a-t-elle
De vous, soldat vaillant, mais enclin à charger
Les saints du ciel du soin d'écarter le danger ?
Pour Paris dont on voit flamboyer la...

Sommeil Renée Vivien 1893 French

Ô Sommeil, ô Mort tiède, ô musique muette !
Ton visage s'incline éternellement las,
Et le songe fleurit à l'ombre de tes pas,
Ainsi qu'une nocturne et sombre violette.

Les parfums affaiblis et les astres décrus
Revivent dans tes mains aux pâles transparences...

Sommeil, paisible fils de la Nuit solitaire Philippe Desportes 1576 French

Sommeil, paisible fils de la Nuit solitaire,
Père alme, nourricier de tous les animaux,
Enchanteur gracieux, doux oubli de nos maux,
Et des esprits blessés l'appareil salutaire :

Dieu favorable à tous, pourquoi m'es-tu contraire ?
Pourquoi suis-je tout seul...

Sommer Lisa Baumfeld 1898 German

Nun flammt in gold'nen Fluten
Der trunk'ne Sommer durch die Luft,
Der Erde heisse, liebeswilde Gluten
Entbrennen hell in rothem Rosenduft ...

Nun weint in Nächten, lauen, fahlen,
Sehnsücht'ger Mond in bangem...

Sommer Alma Johanna Koenig 1930 German

Ich bin weithin gegangen,
durchs sonnverbrannte Land.
Der Wind hat sich verfangen,
in Haar mir und Gewand.

Die Bauern sind beim Heuen,
Duft weht zu mir heran,
mein Herz ist ganz der neuen