Title Poet Year Written Collection Body
She could not live upon the Past English

She could not live upon the Past

The Present did not know her

And so she sought this sweet at last

And nature gently owned her

The mother that has not a knell

for either Duke or Robin

She dealt her pretty words like Blades —

She dealt her pretty words like Blades —

How glittering they shone —

And every One unbared a Nerve

Or wantoned with a Bone —

She never deemed — she hurt —

That — is not Steel's Affair —

A vulgar...

She died at play, English

She died at play,

Gambolled away

Her lease of spotted hours,

Then sank as gaily as a Turk

Upon a Couch of flowers.

Her ghost strolled softly o'er the hill

Yesterday, and Today,


She died — this was the way she died. English

She died — this was the way she died.

And when her breath was done

Took up her simple wardrobe

And started for the sun.

Her little figure at the gate

The Angels must have spied,

Since I could never find...

She dwelleth in the Ground —

She dwelleth in the Ground —

Where Daffodils — abide —

Her Maker — Her Metropolis —

The Universe — Her Maid —

To fetch Her Grace — and Hue —

And Fairness — and Renown —

The Firmament's — To Pluck Her...

She Dwelt Among Untrodden Ways William Wordsworth 1807 Love

She dwelt among the untrodden ways
Beside the springs of Dove,
Maid whom there were none to praise
And very few to love:

A violet by a mosy tone
Half hidden from the eye!
---Fair as a star, when only one
Is shining in the sky.

She lived unknown, and...

She hideth Her the last — English

She hideth Her the last —

And is the first, to rise —

Her Night doth hardly recompense

The Closing of Her eyes —

She doth Her Purple Work —

And putteth Her away

In low Apartments in the Sod -

She Is Not Fair To Outward View Hartley Coleridge 1816 Love

She is not fair to outward view
As many maidens be,
Her loveliness I never knew
Until she smiled on me;
O, then I saw her eye was bright,
A well of love, a spring of light!

But now her looks are coy and cold,
To mine they ne'er reply,
And yet I cease...

She laid her docile Crescent down

She laid her docile Crescent down

And this confiding Stone

Still states to Dates that have forgot

The News that she is gone —

So constant to its stolid trust,

The Shaft that never knew —

It shames...

She lay as if at play

She lay as if at play

Her life had leaped away —

Intending to return —

But not so soon —

Her merry Arms, half dropt —

As if for lull of sport —

An instant had forgot —

The Trick to start...

She rose as high as His Occasion

She rose as high as His Occasion

Then sought the Dust —

And lower lay in low Westminster

For Her brief Crest —

She rose to His Requirement — dropt English

She rose to His Requirement — dropt

The Playthings of Her Life

To take the honorable Work

Of Woman, and of Wife —

If ought She missed in Her new Day,

Of Amplitude, or Awe —

Or first Prospective — Or...

She sights a Bird — she chuckles —

She sights a Bird — she chuckles —

She flattens — then she crawls —

She runs without the look of feet —

Her eyes increase to Balls —

Her Jaws stir — twitching — hungry —

Her Teeth can hardly stand —


She slept beneath a tree —

She slept beneath a tree —

Remembered but by me.

I touched her Cradle mute —

She recognized the foot —

Put on her carmine suit

And see!

She sped as Petals of a Rose English

She sped as Petals of a Rose

Offended by the Wind —

A frail Aristocrat of Time

Indemnity to find —

Leaving on nature — a Default

As Cricket or as Bee —

But Andes in the Bosoms where

She had...

She staked her Feathers — Gained an Arc — English

She staked her Feathers — Gained an Arc —

Debated — Rose again —

This time — beyond the estimate

Of Envy, or of Men —

And now, among Circumference —

Her steady Boat be seen —

At home — among the...

She sweeps with many-colored Brooms — English

She sweeps with many-colored Brooms —

And leaves the Shreds behind —

Oh Housewife in the Evening West —

Come back, and dust the Pond!

You dropped a Purple Ravelling in —

You dropped an Amber thread —

She Walks in Beauty Lord George Gordon Byron 1808 Love


She walks in beauty, like the night
Of cloudless climes and starry skies;
And all that's best of dark and bright
Meet in her aspect and her eyes:
Thus mellow'd to that tender light
Which heaven to gaudy day denies.
She Was a Beauty Henry Cuyler Bunner English

She was a beauty in the days
  When Madison was President,
And quite coquettish in her ways,—
  On conquests of the heart intent.

  Grandpapa, on his right knee bent,
Wooed her in stiff, old-fashioned phrase,—
She was a beauty in the days...

She went as quiet as the Dew English

She went as quiet as the dew

From a familiar flower.

Not like the dew did she return

At the accustomed hour !

She dropt as softly as a star...