Title Poet Year Written Collection Body
Seven times Three Jean Ingelow English

I Leaned out of window, I smelt the white clover,
  Dark, dark was the garden, I saw not the gate;
“Now, if there be footsteps, he comes, my one lover—
  Hush, nightingale, hush! O sweet nightingale, wait
        Till I listen and hear

Seven Times Two Jean Ingelow English

YOU bells in the steeple, ring out your changes,
  How many soever they be,
And let the brown meadow-lark’s note as he ranges
  Come over, come over to me.

Yet birds’ clearest carol by fall or by swelling
  No magical sense conveys,...

Several Questions Answered English

Several Questions Answerd

He who binds to himself a joy

Doth the winged life destroy

But he who kisses the joy as it flies

Lives in Eternitys sun rise


Severed Selves Dante Gabriel Rossetti 1848 Love

Two separate divided silences,
Which, brought together, would find loving voice;
Two glances which together would rejoice
In love, now lost like stars beyond dark trees;
Two hands apart whose touch alone gives ease;
Two bosoms which, heart-shrined with mutual...

Severer Service of myself English

Severer Service of myself

I — hastened to demand

To fill the awful Vacuum

Your life had left behind —

I worried Nature with my Wheels

When Hers had ceased to run —

When she had put away Her Work...

Sevilla Eduardo Asquerino 1846 Spanish

¡Ay! ¡qué aroma embalsamado,
y qué armonioso concento,
y qué susurro acordado
al claro espacio alborado
lleva en sus alas el viento!

¡Salve, ciudad de las flores!
que hasta olvidé mis dolores
en tus eternos pensiles;
¡Eden de los Irasfiles,

Sexton! My Master's sleeping here. English

Sexton! My Master's sleeping here.

Pray lead me to his bed!

I came to build the Bird's nest,

And sow the Early seed —

That when the snow creeps slowly

From off his chamber door —

Daisies point the...

Sexuelle Aufklärung Kurt Tucholsky 1919 German

[86] Sexuelle Aufklärung

Tritt ein, mein Sohn, in dieses Varieté!
Die heiligen Hallen füllt ein lieblich Odium...

Sey mir gegrüßt, du große Heinrich Heine 1827 German

     Sey mir gegrüßt, du große,
Geheimnißvolle Stadt,
Die einst in ihrem Schooße
Mein Liebchen umschlossen hat.

5      Sagt an, ihr Thürme und Thore,
Wo ist die Liebste mein?
Euch hab’ ich sie anvertrauet,
Ihr solltet mir Bürge seyn.

Shadow-Evidence Mary Mapes Dodge English

Swift o’er the sunny grass,
    I saw a shadow pass
    With subtle charm,—
So quick, so full of life,
With thrilling joy so rife,
I started lest, unknown,
My step—ere it was flown—
    Had done it harm.

Why look up to the blue?...

Shakespeare Henry Ames Blood English

I wish that I could have my wish to-night,
For all the fairies should assist my flight
    Back into the abyss of years;
Till I could see the streaming light,
    And hear the music of the spheres
That sang together at the joyous birth
    Of that...

Shakespeare Samuel Johnson 1729 English

From “Prologue”
   [Spoken by Mr. Garrick at the opening of the Theatre in Drury Lane, in 1747.]

  WHEN Learning’s triumph o’er her barbarous foes
First reared the stage, immortal Shakespeare rose;
Each change of many-colored life he drew,
Exhausted worlds...

Shakespeare Hartley Coleridge 1816 English

The Soul of man is larger than the sky,
Deeper than ocean, or the abysmal dark
Of the unfathomed centre. Like that ark,
Which in its sacred hold uplifted high,
O’er the drowned hills, the human family,
And stock reserved of every living kind,

Shakespeare’s Strumpf Theodor Fontane 1851 German

[240] Shakespeare’s Strumpf.

(Bei Gelegenheit eines Leipziger Festes, wo man mit einer
Schillerschen Weste...

Shakspeare Auguste Barbier 1841 French

Hélas ! Hélas ! Faut-il qu’une haleine glacée
Ternisse le front pur des maîtres glorieux,
Et faut-il qu’ici-bas les dieux de la pensée,
S’en aillent tristement comme les autres dieux !

De Shakspeare aujourd’hui les sublimes merveilles
Vont frapper sans émoi...

Shakspeare Amable Tastu 1818 French

.... Nature might stand up
And say lo all the world : This was a man !

La nature pouvait se lever, et dire au monde entier : C’était
un homme !

Telle, aux regards surpris d’un jeune passager,
Jeté par le...

Shall I take thee, the Poet said English

Shall I take thee, the Poet said

To the propounded word?

Be stationed with the Candidates

Till I have finer tried —

The Poet searched Philology

And when about to ring

For the suspended Candidate...

Shame is the shawl of Pink

Shame is the shawl of Pink

In which we wrap the Soul

To keep it from infesting Eyes —

The elemental Veil

Which helpless Nature drops

When pushed upon a scene

Repugnant to her probity —

Shame is...

She bore it till the simple veins English

She bore it till the simple veins

Traced azure on her hand —

Til pleading, round her quiet eyes

The purple Crayons stand.

Till Daffodils had come and gone

I cannot tell the sum,

And then she ceased...

She Came and Went James Russell Lowell English

As a twig trembles, which a bird
  Lights on to sing, then leaves unbent,
So is my memory thrilled and stirred;—
  I only know she came and went.

As clasps some lake, by gusts unriven,
  The blue dome’s measureless content,
So my soul held that...