Title Poet Year Written Collection Body
Whether they have forgotten English

Whether they have forgotten

Or are forgetting now

Or never remembered —

Safer not to know —

Miseries of conjecture

Are a softer woe

Than a Fact of Iron

Hardened with I know —

Which is best? Heaven — English

Which is best? Heaven —

Or only Heaven to come

With that old Codicil of Doubt?

I cannot help esteem

The "Bird within the Hand"

Superior to the one

The "Bush" may yield me

Or may not...

Which is the best — the Moon or the Crescent? English

Which is the best — the Moon or the Crescent?

Neither — said the Moon —

That is best which is not — Achieve it —

You efface the Sheen.

Not of detention is Fruition —

Shudder to attain.


Which misses most, English

Which misses most,

The hand that tends,

Or heart so gently borne,

'Tis twice as heavy as it was

Because the hand is gone?

Which blesses most,

The lip that can,

Or that that went to sleep...

While Asters — English

While Asters —

On the Hill —

Their Everlasting fashions — set —

And Covenant Gentians — Frill!

While it is alive English

While it is alive

Until Death touches it

While it and I lap one Air

Dwell in one Blood

Under one Sacrament

Show me Division can split or pare —

Love is like Life — merely longer

Love is...

While we were fearing it, it came — English

While we were fearing it, it came —

But came with less of fear

Because that fearing it so long

Had almost made it fair —

There is a Fitting — a Dismay —

A Fitting — a Despair

'Tis harder knowing it...

White as an Indian Pipe

White as an Indian Pipe

Red as a Cardinal Flower

Fabulous as a Moon at Noon

February Hour —

White Azaleas Harriet McEwen Kimball English

Azaleas—whitest of white!
  White as the drifted snow
Fresh-fallen out of the night,
  Before the coming glow
Tinges the morning light;
  When the light is like the snow,
And the silence is like the light:
  Light, and...

White Roses Cora Fabbri English

There was a rose-tree grew so high
And white with all its seven roses,
It seemed a cloud ’twixt earth and sky.

There was one rose among the seven
That grew alone on topmost bough,
Like a white star caught down from heaven.

I plucked it that it...

Whither John Vance Cheney English

Whither leads this pathway, little one?—
It runs just on and on, is never done.

Whither leads this pathway, mistress fair?—
That path to town, sir; to the village square.

Whither leads this pathway, father old?—
To the white quiet of the churchyard...

Whither Philip Becker Goetz English

Agnes, thou child of harmony, now fled
From scenes once bright-illumined with thy smile,
So innocent and kind, free from the guile
Of Orient charm, mysterious and dread,—
Where shall I seek thee, maid? Thou art not dead.
No, Nature’s heart would break,...

Whittier Margaret Elizabeth Sangster English

His fourscore years and five
  Are gone, like a tale that is told.
The quick tears start, there ’s an ache at the heart,
  For we never thought him old.

Straight as a mountain pine,
  With the mountain eagle’s eye,
With the hand-clasp strong, and...

Whittling John Pierpont English

A National Portrait
THE YANKEE boy, before he ’s sent to school,
Well knows the mysteries of that magic tool,
The pocket-knife. To that his wistful eye
Turns, while he hears his mother’s lullaby;
His hoarded cents he gladly gives to get it,

Who abdicated Ambush English

Who abdicated Ambush

And went the way of Dusk,

And now against his subtle Name

There stands an Asterisk

As confident of him as we —

Impregnable we are —

The whole of Immortality

Secreted in a...

Who Court obtain within Himself English

Who Court obtain within Himself

Sees every Man a King —

And Poverty of Monarchy

Is an interior thing —

No Man depose

Whom Fate Ordain —

And Who can add a Crown

To Him who doth continual...

Who Ever Loved, That Loved Not at First Sight? Christopher Marlowe 1584 Love

It lies not in our power to love or hate,
For will in us is overruled by fate.
When two are stripped, long ere the course begin,
We wish that one should love, the other win;
And one especially do we affect
Of two gold ingots, like in each respect:
The reason no man...

Who Giants know, with lesser Men

Who Giants know, with lesser Men

Are incomplete, and shy —

For Greatness, that is ill at ease

In minor Company —

A Smaller, could not be perturbed —

The Summer Gnat displays —

Unconscious that his...

Who goes to dine must take his Feast English

Who goes to dine must take his Feast

Or find the Banquet mean —

The Table is not laid without

Till it is laid within.

For Pattern is the Mind bestowed

That imitating her

Our most ignoble Services...

Who has not found the Heaven — below — English

Who has not found the Heaven — below —

Will fail of it above —

For Angels rent the House next ours,

Wherever we remove —