Title Poet Year Written Collection Body
What Twigs We held by — English

What Twigs We held by —

Oh the View

When Life's swift River striven through

We pause before a further plunge

To take Momentum —

As the Fringe

Upon a former Garment shows

The Garment cast...

What was his Creed? Anonymous English

   “Religion relates to life, and the life of religion is to do good.”—SWEDENBORG.

HE left a load of anthracite
  In front of a poor woman’s door,
When the deep snow, frozen and white,
  Wrapped street and square, mountain and moor.
      That was his deed...

What Was My Dream? English

What was my dream? Though consciousness be clear,
  I hold no memory of the potent thing,
Yet feel the force of it—a creeping fear,
A hope, a horror, and a sense austere
    Of revelation, stayed at thought’s extreme:
  As when the wind is passed, the...

What we see we know somewhat English

What we see we know somewhat

Be it but a little —

What we don't surmise we do

Though it shows so fickle

I shall vote for Lands with Locks

Granted I can pick 'em —

Transport's doubtful Dividend

What would I give to see his face? English

What would I give to see his face?

I'd give — I'd give my life — of course —

But that is not enough!

Stop just a minute — let me think!

I'd give my biggest Bobolink!

That makes two — Him — and Life!


Whatever it is — she has tried it — English

Whatever it is — she has tried it —

Awful Father of Love —

Is not Ours the chastising —

Do not chastise the Dove —

Not for Ourselves, petition —

Nothing is left to pray —

When a subject is finished...

When Sarah Chauncey Woolsey English

If I were told that I must die to-morrow,
            That the next sun
Which sinks should bear me past all fear and sorrow
            For any one,
All the fight fought, all the short journey through,
            What should I do?

I do not think...

When a Lover is a Beggar English

When a Lover is a Beggar

Abject is his Knee —

When a Lover is an Owner

Different is he —

What he begged is then the Beggar —

Oh disparity —

Bread of Heaven resents bestowal

Like an...

When a Man has Married a Wife English

 * * * [2]

When a Man has Married a Wife

he finds out whether

Her knees & elbows are only

glued together

When Almonds Bloom Milicent Washburn Shinn English

When almond buds unclose,
Soft white and tender rose,—
A swarm of white moth things,
With sunset on their wings,
That fluttering settle down
On branches chill and brown;
When all the sky is blue,
And up from grasses new

When Bells stop ringing — Church — begins

When Bells stop ringing — Church — begins

The Positive — of Bells —

When Cogs — stop — that's Circumference —

The Ultimate — of Wheels.

When Dacey Rode the Mule

'Twas to a small, up-country town,

When we were boys at school,

There came a circus with a clown,

Likewise a bucking mule.

The clown announced a scheme they had

Spectators for to bring --

They'd give a...

When Diamonds are a Legend,

When Diamonds are a Legend,

And Diadems — a Tale —

I Brooch and Earrings for Myself,

Do sow, and Raise for sale —

And tho' I'm scarce accounted,

My Art, a Summer Day — had Patrons —

Once — it was a...

When Etna basks and purrs English

When Etna basks and purrs

Naples is more afraid

Than when she show her Garnet Tooth —

Security is loud —

When Even Cometh On Lucy Evangeline Tilley English

The mother-heart doth yearn at eventide,
And, wheresoe’er the straying ones may roam,
When even cometh on they all fare home.
’Neath feathered sheltering the brood doth hide;
In eager flights the birds wing to their nest,
While happy lambs and children...

When I count the seeds

When I count the seeds

That are sown beneath,

To bloom so, bye and bye —

When I con the people

Lain so low,

To be received as high —

When I believe the garden

Mortal shall not see —

When I have seen the Sun emerge

When I have seen the Sun emerge

From His amazing House —

And leave a Day at every Door

A Deed, in every place —

Without the incident of Fame

Or accident of Noise —

The Earth has seemed to me a Drum,...

When I hoped I feared — English

When I hoped I feared —

Since I hoped I dared

Everywhere alone

As a Church remain —

Spectre cannot harm —

Serpent cannot charm —

He deposes Doom

Who hath suffered him —

When I hoped, I recollect English

When I hoped, I recollect

Just the place I stood —

At a Window facing West —

Roughest Air — was good —

Not a Sleet could bite me —

Not a frost could cool —

Hope it was that kept me warm —

When I see a Rubens Rembrant Correggio

* * *

When I see a Rubens Rembrant Correggio

I think of the Crippled Harry & Slobbering Joe

And then I question thus are artists rules

To be drawn from the works of two manifest fools