Title Poet Year Written Collection Body
What I can do — I will — English

What I can do — I will —

Though it be little as a Daffodil —

That I cannot — must be

Unknown to possibility —

What I Live For George Linnæus Banks 1841 English

I Live for those who love me,
  Whose hearts are kind and true,
For heaven that smiles above me,
  And waits my spirit, too;
For all the ties that bind me,
For all the tasks assigned me,
And bright hopes left behind me,
  And good that I...

What I see not, I better see — English

What I see not, I better see —

Through Faith — my Hazel Eye

Has periods of shutting —

But, No lid has Memory —

For frequent, all my sense obscured

I equally behold

As someone held a light unto

What if I say I shall not wait! English

What if I say I shall not wait!

What if I burst the fleshly Gate —

And pass escaped — to thee!

What if I file this Mortal — off —

See where it hurt me — That's enough —

And wade in Liberty!


What Inn is this

What Inn is this

Where for the night

Peculiar Traveller comes?

Who is the Landlord?

Where the maids?

Behold, what curious rooms!

No ruddy fires on the hearth —

No brimming Tankards flow —...

What is Prayer? James Montgomery 1791 English

Prayer is the soul’s sincere desire,
  Uttered or unexpressed—
The motion of a hidden fire
  That trembles in the breast.

Prayer is the burthen of a sigh,
  The falling of a tear—
The upward glancing of an eye,
  When none but God is near...

What is the Grass? Walt Whitman 1839 English

From “The Song of Myself”
A CHILD said What is the grass? fetching it to me with full hands;
How could I answer the child? I do not know what it is any more than he.

I guess it must be the flag of my disposition, out of hopeful green stuff woven.

Or I guess it...

What is — "Paradise" —

What is — "Paradise" —

Who live there —

Are they "Farmers" —

Do they "hoe" —

Do they know that this is "Amherst" —

And that I — am coming — too —

Do they wear "new shoes" — in "Eden" —


What Mr. Robinson Thinks James Russell Lowell English

From “The Biglow Papers,” No. III.
GUVENER B. 1 is a sensible man;
  He stays to his home an’ looks arter his folks;
He draws his furrer ez straight ez he can,
  An’ into nobody’s tater-patch pokes;—
            But John P.
            Robinson he...

What My Lover Said Homer Greene English

By the merest chance, in the twilight gloom,
  In the orchard path he met me;
In the tall, wet grass, with its faint perfume,
And I tried to pass, but he made no room,
  Oh, I tried, but he would not let me.
So I stood and blushed till the grass grew red,...

What my Lover Said Homer Greene English

By the merest chance, in the twilight gloom,
  In the orchard path he met me;
In the tall, wet grass, with its faint perfume,
And I tried to pass, but he made no room,
  Oh, I tried, but he would not let me.
So I stood and blushed till the grass grew red,...

What mystery pervades a well! English

What mystery pervades a well!

That water lives so far —

A neighbor from another world

Residing in a jar

Whose limit none have ever seen,

But just his lid of glass —

Like looking every time you please...

What of the Darkness? Richard Le Gallienne English

To the Happy Dead People
WHAT of the darkness? Is it very fair?
Are there great calms? and find we silence there?
Like soft-shut lilies, all your faces glow
With some strange peace our faces never know,
With some strange faith our faces never dare,—...

What shall I do when the Summer troubles —

What shall I do when the Summer troubles —

What, when the Rose is ripe —

What when the Eggs fly off in Music

From the Maple Keep?

What shall I do when the Skies a'chirrup

Drop a Tune on me —

When the...

What shall I do — it whimpers so — English

What shall I do — it whimpers so —

This little Hound within the Heart

All day and night with bark and start —

And yet, it will not go —

Would you untie it, were you me —

Would it stop whining — if to Thee —

What Shall It Profit? William Dean Howells English

If i lay waste and wither up with doubt
The blessed fields of heaven where once my faith
Possessed itself serenely safe from death;
If I deny the things past finding out;
Or if I orphan my own soul of One
That seemed a Father, and make void the place...

What Soft — Cherubic Creatures — English

What Soft — Cherubic Creatures —

These Gentlewomen are —

One would as soon assault a Plush —

Or violate a Star —

Such Dimity Convictions —

A Horror so refined

Of freckled Human Nature —


What tenements of clover English

What tenements of clover

Are fitting for the bee,

What edifices azure

For butterflies and me —

What residences nimble

Arise and evanesce

Without a rhythmic rumor

Or an assaulting guess.

What the Bullet Sang Francis Bret Harte English

O joy of creation
        To be!
O rapture to fly
        And be free!
Be the battle lost or won,
Though its smoke shall hide the sun,
I shall find my love,—the one
        Born for me!

I shall know him where he stands,...

What Though the Green Leaf Grow? Maybury Fleming English

What though the green leaf grow?
  ’T will last a month and day;
In all sweet flowers that blow
  Lurks Death, his slave Decay.

But if my lady smile
  There is no Death at all;
The world is fair the while,—
  What though the red leaf fall...