Title Poet Year Written Collection Body
Sultanerie Charles Cros 1862 French


Au comte de Chousy.

Dans tes cheveux, flot brun qui submerge le peigne
Sur tes seins frissonnants, ombrés d’ambre, que baigne
L’odeur des varechs morts dans les galets le soir,
Je veux laisser tomber par gouttes les essences
Vertigineuses et...

Sumario Antonio Lussich 1868 Spanish

La Inscripción electoral en la República Oriental. La abstención del Partido Nacional. Muertos apareciendo para votar. El fraude en Canelones. Las elecciones. Polémica Gómez y Ramírez. Deuda Castro reconocida. Interesante discurso del juez Marcial. Los buenos patriotas. Instalación del Club...

Summa Summarum Theodor Fontane 1908 German

     Eine kleine Stellung, ein kleiner Orden
(Fast wär’ ich auch mal Hofrat geworden),
Ein bißchen Namen, ein bißchen Ehre,
Eine Tochter „geprüft“, ein Sohn im Heere,
5 Mit siebzig ’ne Jubiläumsfeier,
Artikel im Brockhaus und im Meyer ...

Summer begins to have the look

Summer begins to have the look

Peruser of enchanting Book

Reluctantly but sure perceives

A gain upon the backward leaves —

Autumn begins to be inferred

By millinery of the cloud

Or deeper color in...

Summer Days Wathen Marks Wilks Call English

  IN summer, when the days were long,
We walked together in the wood:
  Our heart was light, our steps were strong;
Sweet flutterings were there in our blood,
  In summer, when the days were long.

  We strayed from morn till evening came;

Summer for thee, grant I may be English

Summer for thee, grant I may be

When Summer days are flown!

Thy music still, when Whipporwill

And Oriole — are done!

For thee to bloom, I'll skip the tomb

And row my blossoms o'er!

Pray gather me —...

Summer has two Beginnings — English

Summer has two Beginnings —

Beginning once in June —

Beginning in October

Affectingly again —

Without, perhaps, the Riot

But graphicker for Grace —

As finer is a going

Than a remaining...

Summer is shorter than any one — English

Summer is shorter than any one —

Life is shorter than Summer —

Seventy Years is spent as quick

As an only Dollar —

Sorrow — now — is polite — and stays —

See how well we spurn him —

Equally to abhor...

Summer laid her simple Hat

Summer laid her simple Hat

On its boundless Shelf —

Unobserved — a Ribbon slipt,

Snatch it for yourself.

Summer laid her supple Glove

In its sylvan Drawer —

Wheresoe'er, or was she —


Summer Longings Denis Florence Mac Carthy English

  AH! my heart is weary waiting,
    Waiting for the May,—
Waiting for the pleasant rambles
Where the fragrant hawthorn-brambles,
  With the woodbine alternating,
    Scent the dewy way.
  Ah! my heart is weary waiting,
    Waiting for the...

Summer Moods John Clare 1813 English

I Love at eventide to walk alone,
Down narrow glens, o’erhung with dewy thorn,
Where from the long grass underneath, the snail,
Jet black, creeps out, and sprouts his timid horn.
I love to muse o’er meadows newly mown,
Where withering grass perfumes the...

Summer Rain Hartley Coleridge 1816 English

Thick lay the dust, uncomfortably white,
In glaring mimicry of Arab sand.
The woods and mountains slept in hazy light;
The meadows looked athirst and tawny tanned;
The little rills had left their channels bare,
With scarce a pool to witness what they were...

Summer Shower English

A drop fell on the apple tree,

Another on the roof ;

A half a dozen kissed the eaves,

And made the gables laugh.

A few went out to help the...

Summer Storm James Russell Lowell English

    UNTREMULOUS in the river clear,
Toward the sky’s image, hangs the imaged bridge;
    So still the air that I can hear
The slender clarion of the unseen midge;
  Out of the stillness, with a gathering creep,
Like rising wind in leaves, which now...

Summer — we all have seen — English

Summer — we all have seen —

A few of us — believed —

A few — the more aspiring

Unquestionably loved —

But Summer does not care —

She goes her spacious way

As eligible as the moon

To our...

Summer's Armies

On fence and roof and twig.

The orchis binds her feather on

For her old love, Don the Sun,

Revisiting the bog !

Without commander, countless, still,

The regiment of wood and hill

In bright detachment...

Sun shine Max Waller 1875 French

How do you do ? mon coeur a faim
De votre regard qui dédaigne ;
Et depuis l'autre jour il saigne,
Viendrez-vous le soigner enfin ?

Car, bien que le printemps commence
À dorer les longs boulevards,
Il fait très froid sans vos regards
Et ma solitude...

Sunday Morning Bells Dinah Maria Mulock Craik English

From the near city comes the clang of bells:
Their hundred jarring diverse tones combine
In one faint misty harmony, as fine
As the soft note yon winter robin swells.
What if to Thee in thine infinity
These multiform and many-colored creeds

Sünde Lisa Baumfeld 1898 German

(Gemälde von Franz Stuck)
Allein die Sünde ist unendlich reich ...


Sünde Cäsar Flaischlen 1921 German

Wir hatten uns lieb und wir wussten es beide
und der Strand lag still und abendeinsam . . .
ein alter Fischer nur war um den Weg und flickte Netze . .
und wir sahen den Schwalben zu, wie sie...