• As slow our ship her foamy track
      Against the wind was cleaving,
    Her trembling pennant still looked back
      To that dear isle ’t was leaving.
    So loath we part from all we love,
      From all the links that bind us;
    So turn our hearts, as on we rove,
      To those we ’ve left behind us!

    When, round the bowl, of vanished years...

  • As ships, becalmed at eve, that lay
      With canvas drooping, side by side,
    Two towers of sail at dawn of day
      Are scarce long leagues apart descried.

    When fell the night, up sprang the breeze,
      And all the darkling hours they plied,
    Nor dreamt but each the selfsame seas
      By each was cleaving, side by side:

    E’en so,—but why...

  • Adieu, adieu! my native shore
      Fades o’er the waters blue;
    The night-winds sigh, the breakers roar,
      And shrieks the wild sea-mew.
    Yon sun that sets upon the sea
      We follow in his flight;
    Farewell awhile to him and thee,
      My native Land—Good Night!

    A few short hours, and he will rise
      To give the morrow birth;...

  • Fare thee well! and if forever,
      Still forever, fare thee well;
    Even though unforgiving, never
      ’Gainst thee shall my heart rebel.

    Would that breast were bared before thee
      Where thy head so oft hath lain,
    While that placid sleep came o’er thee
      Which thou ne’er canst know again:

    Would that breast, by thee glanced over,...

  • Since there ’s no helpe,—come, let us kisse and parte,
      Nay, I have done,—you get no more of me;
    And I am glad,—yea, glad with all my hearte,
      That thus so cleanly I myselfe can free.
    Shake hands forever!—cancel all our vows;
      And when we meet at any time againe,
    Be it not seene in either of our brows,
      That we one jot of former love...

  • Sonnet Lxxxvii.
    farewell! thou art too dear for my possessing,
    And like enough thou know’st thy estimate:
    The charter of thy worth gives thee releasing;
    My bonds in thee are all determinate.
    For how do I hold thee but by thy granting?
    And for that riches where is my deserving?
    The cause of this fair gift in me is wanting,
    And so my...

  • Kathleen Mavourneen! the gray dawn is breaking,
      The horn of the hunter is heard on the hill;
    The lark from her light wing the bright dew is shaking,—
      Kathleen Mavourneen! what, slumbering still?

    Oh, hast thou forgotten how soon we must sever?
      Oh! hast thou forgotten this day we must part?
    It may be for years, and it may be forever!...

  • We parted in silence, we parted by night,
      On the banks of that lonely river;
    Where the fragrant limes their boughs unite,
      We met—and we parted forever!
    The night-bird sung, and the stars above
      Told many a touching story,
    Of friends long passed to the kingdom of love,
      Where the soul wears its mantle of glory.

    We parted in...

  • Summer
    THE Little gate was reached at last,
      Half hid in lilacs down the lane;
    She pushed it wide, and, as she past,
    A wistful look she backward cast,
      And said,—“Auf wiedersehen!”

    With hand on latch, a vision white
      Lingered reluctant, and again
    Half doubting if she did aright,
    Soft as the dews that fell that night,...

  • Autumn
    STILL thirteen years: ’t is autumn now
      On field and hill, in heart and brain;
    The naked trees at evening sough;
    The leaf to the forsaken bough
      Sighs not,—“Auf wiedersehen!”

    Two watched yon oriole’s pendent dome,
      That now is void, and dank with rain,
    And one,—oh, hope more frail than foam!
    The bird to his...