Title Poet Year Written Collection Body
A Book was writ of late call'd Tetrachordon English

A Book was writ of late call'd Tetrachordon;

  And wov'n close, both matter, form and stile;

  The Subject new: it walk'd the Town a while,

  Numbring good intellects; now seldom por'd on.

Cries the staff-reader, bless us...

A bordo Vicente Wenceslao Querol 1856 Spanish

La mar, tras la borrasca, se estremecía sorda
del moribundo día a la dudosa luz,
cuando yo, sobre el puente, de pechos en la borda,
pensaba así, mirando la inmensidad azul:

Bajo la frágil tabla donde al azar me fío,
¿qué pasa en los abismos recónditos del mar?...

A Bottle and Friend English

There's nane that's blest of human kind,

But the cheerful and the gay, man,

Fal, la, la, etc.

Here's a bottle and an honest friend!

What wad ye wish for mair, man?

Wha kens, before his life may end,


À Bouguereau Théophile Gautier 1831 French

Dans un bosquet plein de mystère
La Baigneuse de Bouguereau,
Posant comme pour un clystère,
Montre son cul au bord de l’eau.

L’attitude n'est pas vulgaire ;
Elle développe un contour
Commode pour l’apothicaire
Et plus commode pour l’Amour !

A Breath Mary Ainge De Vere English

A breath can fan love’s flame to burning,—
  Make firm resolve of trembling doubt.
But, strange! at fickle fancy’s turning,
  The selfsame breath can blow it out.

À Brizeux François Coppée 1862 French


POUR chanter la Bretagne et sa belle légende,
L’écume de la mer et la fleur de la lande,
Entre tous la Muse t’élut.
Mais, loin des vieux dolmens, loin des flots pleins d’épaves,
Nous aussi, nous aimons tes poèmes suaves.
Brizeux, barde d’...

A Budget of Paradoxes John Martley English

Child in thy beauty; empress in thy pride;
Sweet and unyielding as the summer’s tide;
Starlike to tremble, starlike to abide.

Guiltless of wounding, yet more true than steel;
Gem-like thy light to flash and to conceal;
Tortoise to bear, insect to see and...

A Buenos Aires Leopoldo Lugones 1894 Spanish

Primogénita ilustre del Plata,
En solar apertura hacia el Este.
Donde atado a tu cinta celeste
Va el gran río color de león;
Bella sangre de prósperas razas
Esclarece tu altivo salvaje
Pinta su nombre sazón.

Arca fuerte de nuestra esperanza....

A Bulb Richard Kendall Munkittrick English

Misshapen, black, unlovely to the sight,
  O mute companion of the murky mole,
You must feel overjoyed to have a white,
  Imperious, dainty lily for a soul.

A Bunch of Roses English

Roses ruddy and roses white,

What are the joys that my heart discloses?

Sitting alone in the fading light

Memories come to me here tonight

With the wonderful scent of the big red roses.

Memories come as the...

A Burdock — clawed my Gown —

A Burdock — clawed my Gown —

Not Burdock's — blame —

But mine —

Who went too near

The Burdock's Den —

A Bog — affronts my shoe —

What else have Bogs — to do —

The only Trade they know —...

A Bush Christening

On the outer Barcoo where the churches are few,

And men of religion are scanty,

On a road never cross'd 'cept by folk that are lost,

One Michael Magee had a shanty.

Now this Mike was the dad of a ten-year-old lad,

A Bushman's Song English

I'm travelling down the Castlereagh, and I'm a station-hand,

I'm handy with the ropin' pole, I'm handy with the brand,

And I can ride a rowdy colt, or swing the axe all day,

But there's no demand for a station-hand along the Castlereagh....

À Calderon Francis Melvil 1881 French

L’aurore à l’orient brille, adorable et claire ;
Les cœurs sont frémissants, les fleurs jonchent le sol,
Et nous venons chanter ton hymne séculaire,
Ô glorieux enfant du doux ciel espagnol !

Lorsque tout ici-bas sombre dans la nuit noire,
Quand tout s’évanouit...

A California Christmas Joaquin Miller English

  BEHOLD where Beauty walks with Peace!
Behold where Plenty pours her horn
Of fruits, of flowers, fat increase,
As generous as light of morn.

  Green Shasta, San Diego, seas
Of bloom and green between them rolled.
Great herds in grasses to their...

A Call on Sir Walter Raleigh Sarah Morgan Bryan Piatt English

“ay, not at home, then, didst thou say?
  —And, prithee, hath he gone to court?”
“Nay; he hath sailed but yesterday,
  With Edmund Spenser, from this port.

“This Spenser, folk do say, hath writ
  Twelve cantos, called ‘The Faërie Queene.’
To seek...

À Camoëns Achille Millien 1892 French

Tout peuple a ses grands jours que burine l’Histoire,
Soit qu’après la bataille il fête la victoire,
Soit qu’à ses fils d’élite il dresse un monument
Ou que, tenant domptés les éléments esclaves,
D’un travail, dont sa force a vaincu les entraves,

A Campoamor Rubén Darío 1887 Spanish

Ese del cabello cano
como la piel del armiño,
juntó su candor de niño
con su experiencia de anciano;
cuando se tiene en la mano
un libro de tal varón,
abeja es cada expresión
que, volando del papel,
deja en los labios la miel
y pica en el...

A Cándida José María Gabriel y Galán 1890 Spanish


¿Quieres, Cándida saber
cuál es la niña mejor?
Pues medita con amor
lo que ahora vas a leer.

La que es dócil y obediente,
la que reza con fe ciega,
con abandono inocente.
la que canta, la que juega.

La que de necias se aparta,

A Cap of Lead across the sky English

A Cap of Lead across the sky

Was tight and surly drawn

We could not find the mighty Face

The Figure was withdrawn —

A Chill came up as from a shaft

Our noon became a well

A Thunder storm combines the...