Title Poet Year Written Collection Body
The Girl of Cadiz Lord Byron English

Oh, never talk again to me
  Of northern climes and British ladies;
It has not been your lot to see
  Like me, the lovely girl of Cadiz.
Although her eyes be not of blue,
  Nor fair her locks, like English lasses’,
How far its own expressive hue...

The gleam of an heroic Act English

The gleam of an heroic Act

Such strange illumination

The Possible's slow fuse is lit

By the Imagination.

The Glove Robert Browning 1832 English

(Peter Ronsard loquitur)
“HEIGHO,” yawned one day King Francis,
“Distance all value enhances!
When a man’s busy, why, leisure
Strikes him as wonderful pleasure—
’Faith, and at leisure once is he?
Straightway he wants to be busy.
Here we ’ve...

The Glove and the Lions Leigh Hunt 1804 English

King Francis was a hearty king, and loved a royal sport,
And one day, as his lions fought, sat looking on the court.
The nobles filled the benches, with the ladies in their pride,
And ’mongst them sat the Count de Lorge, with one for whom he sighed:
And truly ’t...

The Going Thomas Hardy 1916 Love

Why did you give no hint that night
That quickly after the morrow's dawn,
And calmly, as if indifferent quite,
You would close your term here, up and be gone
Where I could not follow
With wing of swallow
To gain one glimpse of you ever anon!

Never to bid...

The going from a world we know English

The going from a world we know

To one a wonder still

Is like the child's adversity

Whose vista is a hill,

Behind the hill is sorcery

And everything unknown,

But will the secret compensate


The Gold-Seekers Hamlin Garland English

I saw these dreamers of dreams go by,
I trod in their footsteps a space;
Each marched with his eyes on the sky,
Each passed with a light on his face.

They came from the hopeless and sad,
They faced the future and gold;
Some the tooth of want’s...

The Golden Age Ernest Francisco Fenollosa English

This world was not
  As it now is seen:
It once was clothed
  With a deeper green;
And rarer gems
  Than the ice-caves hold
The sea brought up
  On the sands of gold.

But rust of ages,
  The breath of Time,

The Golden Wedding David Gray English

O Love, whose patient pilgrim feet
  Life’s longest path have trod,
Whose ministry hath symbolled sweet
  The dearer love of God,—
The sacred myrtle wreathes again
  Thine altar, as of old;
And what was green with summer then,
  Is mellowed...

The Golden-Robin's Nest John White Chadwick English

The golden-robin came to build his nest
High in the elm-tree’s ever-nodding crest;
All the long day, upon his task intent,
Backward and forward busily he went,

Gathering from far and near the tiny shreds
That birdies weave for little birdies’ beds;...

The Gondola Arthur Hugh Clough 1839 English

Afloat; we move—delicious! Ah,
What else is like the gondola?
This level flow of liquid glass
Begins beneath us swift to pass.
It goes as though it went alone
By some impulsion of its own.
(How light it moves, how softly! Ah,
Were all...

The Good Shepherd with the Kid Matthew Arnold 1842 English

He saves the sheep, the goats he doth not save.
So rang Tertullian’s sentence, on the side
Of that unpitying Phrygian Sect which cried:
“Him can no fount of fresh forgiveness lave,

Who sins, once washed by the baptismal wave.”—
So spake the fierce...

The Good Time Coming Charles Mackay 1834 English

There ’s a good time coming, boys.
  A good time coming:
We may not live to see the day,
But earth shall glisten in the ray
  Of the good time coming.
Cannon-balls may aid the truth,
  But thought ’s a weapon stronger;
We ’ll win our battle...

The good Will of a Flower English

The good Will of a Flower

The Man who would possess

Must first present


Of minted Holiness.

The Good, Great Man Samuel Taylor Coleridge 1792 English

How seldom, Friend! a good great man inherits
  Honor or wealth with all his worth and pains!
It sounds like stories from the land of spirits.
If any man obtain that which he merits,
  Or any merit that which he obtains.

For shame, dear Friend; renounce...

The Good-Morrow English

I WONDER by my troth, what thou and I

Did, till we loved? were we not wean'd till then?

But suck'd on country pleasures, childishly?

Or snorted we in the Seven Sleepers' den?

'Twas so; but this, all pleasures fancies be;

The Gouty Merchant and the Stranger Horace Smith 1799 English

In Broad Street building (on a winter night),
Snug by his parlor-fire, a gouty wight
Sat all alone, with one hand rubbing
His feet rolled up in fleecy hose:
With t’ other he ’d beneath his nose
The Public Ledger, in whose columns grubbing,

The Grace — Myself — might not obtain —

The Grace — Myself — might not obtain —

Confer upon My flower —

Refracted but a Countenance —

For I — inhabit Her —

The Grand Ronde Valley Ella Higginson English

Ah me! I know how like a golden flower
The Grand Ronde valley lies this August night,
Locked in by dimpled hills where purple light
Lies wavering. There at the sunset hour
Sink downward, like a rainbow-tinted shower,
A thousand colored rays, soft,...

The Grape-Vine Swing William Gilmore Simms English

Lithe and long as the serpent train,
  Springing and clinging from tree to tree,
Now darting upward, now down again,
  With a twist and a twirl that are strange to see;
Never took serpent a deadlier hold,
  Never the cougar a wilder spring,