Title Poet Year Written Collection Body
The Hand of Lincoln Edmund Clarence Stedman English

Look on this cast, and know the hand
  That bore a nation in its hold:
From this mute witness understand
  What Lincoln was,—how large of mould

The man who sped the woodman’s team,
  And deepest sunk the ploughman’s share,
And pushed the laden...

The Handsel Ring George Houghton English

“here, o lily-white lady mine,
Here by thy warrior sire’s own shrine,
Handsel I thee by this golden sign,
        This sunshiny thing.”
Weeping she reached her hand so slim,
Smiled, though her eyes were wet and dim,
Saying: “I swear, by Heaven, by...

The Happiest Heart John Vance Cheney English

Who drives the horses of the sun
Shall lord it but a day;
Better the lowly deed were done,
And kept the humble way.

The rust will find the sword of fame,
The dust will hide the crown;
Ay, none shall nail so high his name
Time will not...

The Happiest Heart John Vance Cheney English

Who drives the horses of the sun
Shall lord it but a day;
Better the lowly deed were done,
And kept the humble way.

The rust will find the sword of fame,
The dust will hide the crown;
Ay, none shall nail so high his name
Time will not...

The Happy Heart Thomas Dekker 1595 English

From “Patient Grissell,” Act I. Sc. 1.
ART thou poor, yet hast thou golden slumbers?
        O sweet content!
Art thou rich, yet is thy mind perplexed?
        O punishment!
Dost thou laugh to see how fools are vexed
To add to golden numbers, golden...

The Happy Hour Mary Frances Butts English

The Busy day is over,
The household work is done;
The cares that fret the morning
Have faded with the sun;
And in the tender twilight,
I sit in happy rest,
With my precious rosy baby
Asleep upon my breast.

White lids with silken...

The Happy Mother Alexander Laing English

An’ O! may I never live single again,
I wish I may never live single again;
I hae a gudeman, an’ a hame o’ my ain,
An’ O! may I never live single again.
I ’ve twa bonnie bairnies, the fairest of a’,
They cheer up my heart when their daddie’s awa’;

The Harlequin of Dreams Sidney Lanier 1862 English

Swift, through some trap mine eyes have never found,
Dim-panelled in the painted scene of Sleep,
Thou, giant Harlequin of Dreams, dost leap
Upon my spirit’s stage. Then Sight and Sound,
Then Space and Time, then Language, Mete and Bound,
And all familiar...

The harm of Years is on him — English

The harm of Years is on him —

The infamy of Time —

Depose him like a Fashion

And give Dominion room.

Forget his Morning Forces —

The Glory of Decay

Is a minuter Pageant

Than least...

The Haunted Palace Edgar Allan Poe 1829 English

In the greenest of our valleys
  By good angels tenanted,
Once a fair and stately palace—
  Radiant palace—reared its head.
In the monarch Thought’s dominion,
  It stood there;
Never seraph spread a pinion
  Over fabric half so fair.

The Haunted Palace Edgar Allan Poe 1829 English

In the greenest of our valleys
  By good angels tenanted,
Once a fair and stately palace—
  Radiant palace—reared its head.
In the monarch Thought’s dominion,
  It stood there;
Never seraph spread a pinion
  Over fabric half so fair.

The Haunted Palace
The Haunts of the Halcyon Charles Henry Luders English

To stand within a gently gliding boat,
Urged by a noiseless paddle at the stern,
Whipping the crystal mirror of the fern
In fairy bays where water-lilies float;
To hear your reel’s whirr echoed by the throat
Of a wild mocking-bird, or round some turn...

The healed Heart shows its shallow scar English

The healed Heart shows its shallow scar

With confidential moan —

Not mended by Mortality

Are Fabrics truly torn —

To go its convalescent way

So shameless is to see

More genuine were Perfidy


The Heart asks Pleasure — first — English

The heart asks pleasure first,

And then, excuse from pain ;

And then, those little anodynes

That deaden suffering ;

And then, to go to sleep ;...

The Heart has many Doors — English

The Heart has many Doors —

I can but knock —

For any sweet "Come in"

Impelled to hark —

Not saddened by repulse,

Repast to me

That somewhere, there exists,

Supremacy —

The Heart has narrow Banks English

The Heart has narrow Banks

It measures like the Sea

In mighty — unremitting Bass

And Blue Monotony

Till Hurricane bisect

And as itself discerns

Its insufficient Area

The Heart convulsive...

The Heart is the Capital of the Mind — English

The Heart is the Capital of the Mind —

The Mind is a single State —

The Heart and the Mind together make

A single Continent —

One — is the Population —

Numerous enough —

This ecstatic Nation

The Heart of the Bruce William Edmondstoune Aytoun 1833 English

It was upon an April morn,
  While yet the frost lay hoar,
We heard Lord James’s bugle-horn
  Sound by the rocky shore.

Then down we went, a hundred knights,
  All in our dark array,
And flung our armor in the ships
  That rode within the...

The Heart's Summer Epes Sargent English

The cold blast at the casement beats;
  The window-panes are white;
The snow whirls through the empty streets;
  It is a dreary night!
Sit down, old friend, the wine-cups wait;
  Fill to o’erflowing, fill!
Though winter howleth at the gate,...