Title Poet Year Written Collection Body
The Fine Old English Gentleman Anonymous English

I ’LL 1 sing you a good old song,
  Made by a good old pate,
Of a fine old English gentleman
  Who had an old estate,
And who kept up his old mansion
  At a bountiful old rate;
With a good old porter to relieve
  The old poor at his gate,...

The Fingers of the Light English

The Fingers of the Light

Tapped soft upon the Town

With "I am great and cannot wait

So therefore let me in."

"You're soon," the Town replied,

"My Faces are asleep —

But swear, and I will let you by,...

The Fire i' the Flint Lucy Robinson English

The sudden thrust of speech is no mean test
Of man or woman. Caesar, with his cry
Of anguish,—Pilate, putting justice by,—
Into three words a human soul compressed;
Three broke from Galileo’s brooding breast;
And Desdemona, instant to reply

The Fire of Love Charles Sackville, Earl of Dorset 1658 English

From the “Examen Miscellaneum,” 1708

THE FIRE of love in youthful blood,
Like what is kindled in brushwood,
      But for a moment burns;
Yet in that moment makes a mighty noise;
It crackles, and to vapor turns,
      And soon itself destroys....

The First Blue-Bird James Whitcomb Riley 1869 English

Jest rain and snow! and rain again!
  And dribble! drip! and blow!
Then snow! and thaw! and slush! and then—
  Some more rain and snow!

This morning I was ’most afeard
  To wake up—when, I jing!
I seen the sun shine out and heerd

The first Day that I was a Life

The first Day that I was a Life

I recollect it — How still —

That last Day that I was a Life

I recollect it — as well —

'Twas stiller — though the first

Was still —

"Twas empty — but the first

The first Day's Night had come — English

The first Day's Night had come —

And grateful that a thing

So terrible — had been endured —

I told my Soul to sing —

She said her Strings were snapt —

Her Bow — to Atoms blown —

And so to mend her —...

The First Half of the Seventeenth Century/Chapter 1 English

      "North and South too many an hour

            I've by the skipper held the wheel;

       Seen too many a hissing shower

            O'er my old sou'-wester reel."

The First Half of the Seventeenth Century/Chapter 4 English

                              "Hinc pallidorum longa morborum cohors

                               Turpisque egestas sequitur," &c.

The First Half of the Seventeenth Century/Chapter 6

                    "Chez cette race nouvelle

                         Où j'aurai quelque crédit,

                     Vous ne passerez pas pour belle

                         Qu'autant que je l'aurai dit.


The First Kiss Thomas Campbell 1797 English

How delicious is the winning
Of a kiss at love’s beginning,
When two mutual hearts are sighing
For the knot there ’s no untying!

Yet remember, midst your wooing,
Love has bliss, but love has ruing;
Other smiles may make you fickle,

The First Lesson

Not in this world to see his face

Sounds long, until I read the place

Where this is said to be

But just the primer to a life

Unopened, rare, upon the...

The First Rose of Summer Oliver Herford English

“oh dear! is Summer over?”
  I heard a rosebud moan,
When first her eyes she opened,
  And found she was alone.

“Oh, why did Summer leave me,
  Little me, belated?
Where are the other roses?
  I think they might have waited.”


The First Snow-Fall James Russell Lowell English

The snow had begun in the gloaming,
  And busily all the night
Had been heaping field and highway
  With a silence deep and white.

Every pine and fir and hemlock
  Wore ermine too dear for an earl,
And the poorest twig on the elm-tree

The First Snow-Fall James Russell Lowell English

The Snow had begun in the gloaming,
  And busily all the night
Had been heaping field and highway
  With a silence deep and white.

Every pine and fir and hemlock
  Wore ermine too dear for an earl,
And the poorest twig on the elm-tree

The First Song Richard Burton English

A poet writ a song of May
  That checked his breath awhile;
He kept it for a summer day,
  Then spake with half a smile:

“Oh, little song of purity,
  Of mystic to-and-fro,
You are so much a part of me
  I dare not let you go.”


The First Step Andrew Bice Saxton English

My little one begins his feet to try,
A tottering, feeble, inconsistent way;
Pleased with the effort, he forgets his play,
And leaves his infant baubles where they lie.
Laughing and proud his mother flutters nigh,
Turning to go, yet joy-compelled to stay,...

The first We knew of Him was Death — English

The first We knew of Him was Death —

The second — was — Renown —

Except the first had justified

The second had not been.

The Fisher Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe 1769 English

From the German by Charles Timothy Brooks

THE WATERS purled, the waters swelled,—
  A fisher sat near by,
And earnestly his line beheld
  With tranquil heart and eye;
And while he sits and watches there,
  He sees the waves divide,
And, lo...

The Fisher's Boy Henry David Thoreau English

My life is like a stroll upon the beach,
  As near the ocean’s edge as I can go;
My tardy steps its waves sometimes o’erreach,
  Sometimes I stay to let them overflow.

My sole employment is, and scrupulous care,
  To place my gains beyond the reach of...