Title Poet Year Written Collection Body
The Funeral of Time Henry Beck Hirst English

Lo! through a shadowy valley
  March with measured step and tread
A long array of Phantoms wan
  And pallid as the dead,—
  The white and waxen dead!
  With a crown on every head,
    And a torch in every hand
      To fright the sheeted...

The Future Life William Cullen Bryant 1814 English

How shall I know thee in the sphere which keeps
  The disembodied spirits of the dead,
When all of thee that time could wither sleeps
  And perishes among the dust we tread?

For I shall feel the sting of ceaseless pain
  If there I meet thy gentle...

The Future — never spoke — English

The Future — never spoke —

Nor will He — like the Dumb —

Reveal by sign — a syllable

Of His Profound To Come —

But when the News be ripe —

Presents it — in the Act —

Forestalling Preparation —

The Gambols of Children George Darley 1815 English

Down the dimpled greensward dancing,
  Bursts a flaxen-headed bevy,—
Bud-lipt boys and girls advancing,
  Love’s irregular little levy.

Rows of liquid eyes in laughter,
  How they glimmer, how they quiver!
Sparkling one another after,

The Garden of Love William Blake 1777 Love

I laid me down upon a bank,
Where Love lay sleeping;
I heard among the rushes dank
Weeping, weeping.
Then I went to the heath and the wild,
To the thistles and thorns of the waste;
And they told me how they were beguiled,
Driven out, and compelled to the...

The Garden of Proserpine English

Here, where the world is quiet,

    Here, where all trouble seems

Dead winds' and spent waves' riot

    In doubtful dreams of dreams;

I watch the green field growing


The Garden Where There Is No Winter Louis James Block English

        “se dio ti lasci, lettor, prender frutto
Di tua lezione.”

The Garret William Makepeace Thackeray English

With pensive eyes the little room I view,
  Where, in my youth, I weathered it so long;
With a wild mistress, a stanch friend or two,
  And a light heart still breaking into song:
Making a mock of life, and all its cares,
  Rich in the glory of my rising...

The Geebung Polo Club English

It was somewhere up the country, in a land of rock and scrub,

That they formed an institution called the Geebung Polo Club.

They were long and wiry natives from the rugged mountain side,

And the horse was never saddled that the...

The General's Death English

The general dashed along the road
  Amid the pelting rain;
How joyously his bold face glowed
  To hear our cheers’ refrain!

His blue blouse flapped in wind and wet,
  His boots were splashed with mire,
But round his lips a smile was set,...

The General’s Death Joseph O’Connor 1861 English

The General dashed along the road
  Amid the pelting rain;
How joyously his bold face glowed
  To hear our cheers’ refrain!

His blue blouse flapped in wind and wet,
  His boots were splashed with mire,
But round his lips a smile was set,...

The Generous Air William M Hardinge 1875 English

From the Greek by William M. Hardinge
BREATHING the thin breath through our nostrils, we
Live, and a little space the sunlight see—
Even all that live—each being an instrument
To which the generous air its life has lent.

If with the hand one quench our...

The Gentian has a parched Corolla —

The Gentian has a parched Corolla —

Like azure dried

'Tis Nature's buoyant juices

Beatified —

Without a vaunt or sheen

As casual as Rain

And as benign —

When most is part — it comes —...

The Gentian weaves her fringes — English

The Gentian weaves her fringes —

The Maple's loom is red —

My departing blossoms

Obviate parade.

A brief, but patient illness —

An hour to prepare,

And one below this morning

Is where the...

The Ghost of the Murderer's Hut

My horse had been lamed in the foot

In the rocks at the back of the run,

So I camped at the Murderer's Hut,

At the place where the murder was done.

The walls were all spattered with gore,

A terrible symbol of...

The Gift of Water Hamlin Garland English

        “is water nigh?”
        The plainsmen cry,
As they meet and pass in the desert grass.
        With finger tip
        Across the lip
I ask the sombre Navajo.
The brown man smiles and answers “Sho!”
With fingers high, he signs the...

The Gifts of God Jones Very English

The light that fills thy house at morn,
Thou canst not for thyself retain;
But all who with thee here are born,
It bids to share an equal gain.

The wind that blows thy ship along,
Her swelling sails cannot confine;
Alike to all the gales belong,...

The Gifts of God George Herbert 1613 English

        WHEN God at first made man,
Having a glass of blessings standing by,
Let us (said he) pour on him all we can:
Let the world’s riches, which dispersèd lie,
        Contract into a span.

        So strength first made a way;
Then beauty...

The Gillyflower of Gold William Morris 1854 English

A Golden gillyflower to-day
I wore upon my helm alway,
And won the prize of this tourney.
  Hah! hah! la belle jaune giroflée.

However well Sir Giles might sit,
His sun was weak to wither it,
Lord Miles’s blood was dew on it:
  Hah! hah!...

The Girl of All Periods Coventry Patmore 1843 English

“and even our women,” lastly grumbles Ben,
“Leaving their nature, dress and talk like men!”
A damsel, as our train stops at Five Ashes,
Down to the station in a dog-cart dashes.
A footman buys her thicket, “Third class, parly;”
And, in the huge-buttoned...