Title Poet Year Written Collection Body
The Himmaleh was known to stoop English
The History Lesson Anonymous English

There was a monkey climbed up a tree,
When he fell down, then down full he.

There was a crow sat on a stone,
When he was gone, then there was none.

There was an old wife did eat an apple,
When she had eat two, she had eat a couple.

There was...

The Hollows round His eager Eyes

The Hollows round His eager Eyes

Were Pages where to read

Pathetic Histories — although

Himself had not complained.

Biography to All who passed

Of Unobtrusive Pain

Except for the italic Face


The Holly-Tree Robert Southey 1794 English

O Reader! hast thou ever stood to see
          The holly-tree?
The eye that contemplates it well perceives
          Its glossy leaves
Ordered by an intelligence so wise
As might confound the atheist’s sophistries.

Below, a circling fence, its...

The Hollyhocks Craven Langstroth Betts English

Some space beyond the garden close
  I sauntered down the shadowed lawn;
It was the hour when sluggards doze,
  The cheerful, zephyr-breathing dawn.
The sun had not yet bathed his face,
  Dark reddened from the night’s carouse,
When, lo! in festive...

The Holy Spirit Robert Herrick 1611 English

In the hour of my distress,
When temptations me oppress,
And when I my sins confess,
    Sweet Spirit, comfort me!

When I lie within my bed,
Sick at heart, and sick in head,
And with doubts discomforted,
    Sweet Spirit, comfort me!...

The Homes of England Felicia Dorothea Hemans 1813 English

The Stately Homes of England,
How beautiful they stand!
Amidst their tall ancestral trees,
O’er all the pleasant land;
The deer across their greensward bound
Through shade and sunny gleam,
And the swan glides past them with the sound

The Homing John Jerome Rooney English

Admiral, Admiral, sailing home—
    Sailing home through the far, dim seas,
Know you the sound that over the foam
    Rises and sinks in the sunset breeze?

Know you the thrill and know you the start
    That pulses and runs through the wind and the spray...

The Horse (Pushkin, tr. Dmitri Smirnov) English

    "My ardent horse, why are you neighing?

Why are you hanging your neck?

Why do you not shake you mane,

Not nibble your bit?

Do I not care for you?

Or don't you eat enough oats?

Is your...

The Hour of Death Felicia Dorothea Hemans 1813 English

      LEAVES have their time to fall,
And flowers to wither at the north-wind’s breath,
      And stars to set—but all,
Thou hast all seasons for thine own, oh! Death.

      Day is for mortal care,
Eve for glad meetings round the joyous hearth,...

The Hour of Peaceful Rest William Bingham Tappan English

There is an hour of peaceful rest
  To mourning wanderers given;
There is a joy for souls distrest,
A balm for every wounded breast,
  ’T is found alone in heaven.

There is a soft, a downy bed,
  Far from these shades of even—
A couch for...

The Hour-Glass Ben Jonson 1616 Love

Consider this small dust, here in the glass,
By atoms moved:
Could you believe that this the body was
Of one that loved;
And in his mistress' flame playing like a fly,
Was turned to cinders by her eye:
Yes ; and in death, as life unblest,
To have't...

The House Beautiful Robert Louis Stevenson 1870 English

A Naked house, a naked moor,
A shivering pool before the door,
A garden bare of flowers and fruit,
And poplars at the garden foot;
Such is the place that I live in,
Bleak without and bare within.

Yet shall your ragged moors receive

The House on the Hill Edwin Arlington Robinson English

They are all gone away,
    The House is shut and still,
There is nothing more to say.

Through broken walls and gray
    The winds blow bleak and shrill:
They are all gone away.

Nor is there one to-day
    To speak them good or ill:...

The House on the Hill English

They are all gone away,

The House is shut and still,

There is nothing more to say.

Through broken walls and gray

The winds blow bleak and shrill:

They are all gone away.


The Household Sovereign Henry Wadsworth Longfellow 1827 English

From “The Hanging of the Crane”
SEATED I see the two again,
But not alone; they entertain
A little angel unaware,
With face as round as is the moon;
A royal guest with flaxen hair,
Who, throned upon his lofty chair,
Drums on the table with...

The Housekeeper Charles Lamb 1795 English

The Frugal snail, with forecast of repose,
Carries his house with him where’er he goes;
Peeps out,—and if there comes a shower of rain,
Retreats to his small domicile again.
Touch but a tip of him, a horn,—’t is well,—
He curls up in his sanctuary shell....

The Hudson George Sidney Hellman English

Where in its old historic splendor stands
The home of England’s far-farmed Parliament,
And waters of the Thames in calm content
At England’s fame flow slowly o’er their sands;
And where the Rhine past vine-entwined lands
Courses in castled beauty, there I...

The Hudson George Sidney Hellman English

Where in its old historic splendor stands
The home of England’s far-famed Parliament,
And waters of the Thames in calm content
At England’s fame flow slowly o’er their sands;
And where the Rhine past vine-entwinèd lands
Courses in castled beauty, there I...

The Human Plan Charles Henry Crandall English

Child, weary of thy baubles of to-day—
Child with the golden or the silver hair—
Say, how wouldst thou have built creation’s stair,
Hadst thou been free to have thy puny way?
Could thy intelligence have shot the ray
That lit the universe of upper air?...