Title Poet Year Written Collection Body
The ecstasy to guess

The ecstasy to guess

Were a receipted bliss

If grace could talk.

The Eggs and the Horses Anonymous English

A Matrimonial Epic
    JOHN DOBBINS was so captivated
By Mary Trueman’s fortune, face, and cap,
(With near two thousand pounds the hook was baited,)
  That in he popped to matrimony’s trap.

One small ingredient towards happiness,
It seems, ne’er...

The Egyptian Lotus Arthur Wentworth Hamilton Eaton English

Proud, languid lily of the sacred Nile,
’T is strange to see thee on our Western wave,
Far from those sandy shores, that mile on mile,
Papyrus-plumed, stretch silent as the grave.

O’er dark, mysterious pool and sheltered bay,
And round deep dreaming...

The Elf and the Dormouse Oliver Herford English

Under a toadstool
  Crept a wee Elf,
Out of the rain,
  To shelter himself.

Under the toadstool,
  Sound asleep,
Sat a big Dormouse
  All in a heap.

Trembled the wee Elf,
  Frightened, and yet
Fearing to fly away...

The Elf and the Dormouse Oliver Herford English

Under a toadstool
  Crept a wee Elf,
Out of the rain,
  To shelter himself.

Under the toadstool,
  Sound asleep,
Sat a big Dormouse
  All in a heap.

Trembled the wee Elf,
  Frightened, and yet
Fearing to fly away...

The Emigrant Lassie John Stuart Blackie English

As I came wandering down Glen Spean,
  Where the braes are green and grassy,
With my light step I overtook
  A weary-footed lassie.

She had one bundle on her back,
  Another in her hand,
And she walked as one who was full loath

The End Wallace Rice English

No freeman, saith the wise, thinks much on death:
No man with soul he dareth call his own
Liveth in dread lest there be no atone
In time to come for yesterday’s warm breath,
No more than he for such and hungereth
As falls to those who speed their souls a-...

The End of the Day Duncan Campbell Scott English

I Hear the bells at eventide
    Peal softly one by one,
Near and far off they break and glide;
    Across the stream float faintly beautiful
    The antiphonal bells of Hull;
The day is done, done, done,
    The day is done.

The dew has...

The End of the Play William Makepeace Thackeray English

The Play is done,—the curtain drops,
  Slow falling to the prompter’s bell;
A moment yet the actor stops,
  And looks around, to say farewell.
It is an irksome word and task;
  And, when he ’s laughed and said his say,
He shows, as he removes the...

The End of the World English
The English Robin Harrison Weir 1844 English

See yon robin on the spray;
  Look ye how his tiny form
Swells, as when his merry lay
  Gushes forth amid the storm.

Though the snow is falling fast,
  Specking o’er his coat with white,—
Though loud roars the chilly blast,
  And the...

The Enviable Isles Herman Melville English

Through storms you reach them and from storms are free.
  Afar descried, the foremost drear in hue,
But, nearer, green; and, on the marge, the sea
  Makes thunder low and mist of rainbowed dew.

But, inland,—where the sleep that folds the hills
A dreamier...

The Epicure Anacreon 602 English

From the Greek by Abraham Cowley

FILL the bowl with rosy wine!
Around our temples roses twine!
And let us cheerfully awhile,
Like the wine and roses, smile.
Crowned with roses, we contemn
Gyges’ wealthy diadem.
To-day is ours, what do we...

The Erl-King Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe 1769 English

From the German by Sir Theodore Martin and William Edmondstoune Aytoun

WHO rides so late through the midnight blast?
’T is a father spurs on with his child full fast;
He gathers the boy well into his arm,
He clasps him close and he keeps him warm.


The Errors of a Wise Man make your Rule English

* * *

The Errors of a Wise Man make your Rule

Rather than the Perfections of a Fool

The Eternal Goodness John Greenleaf Whittier 1827 English

O friends! with whom my feet have trod
  The quiet aisles of prayer,
Glad witness to your zeal for God
  And love of man I bear.

I trace your lines of argument;
  Your logic linked and strong
I weigh as one who dreads dissent,
  And fears...

The Eternal Goodness John Greenleaf Whittier 1827 English

O Friends! with whom my feet have trod
  The quiet aisles of prayer,
Glad witness to your zeal for God
  And love of man I bear.

I trace your lines of argument;
  Your logic linked and strong
I weigh as one who dreads dissent,
  And fears...

The Eternal Justice Anne Reeve Aldrich English

Thank God that shall judge my soul, not man!
    I marvel when they say,
    “Think of that awful Day
No pitying fellow-sinner’s eyes shall scan
    With tolerance thy soul,
    But His who knows the whole,
The God whom all men own is wholly just...

The Eve of St. Agnes John Keats 1815 English

Saint Agnes’ EVE,—ah, bitter chill it was!
The owl, for all his feathers, was a-cold;
The hare limped trembling through the frozen grass,
And silent was the flock in woolly fold:
Numb were the beadsman’s fingers while he told
His rosary, and while his...

The Evening Cloud John Wilson 1805 English

A Cloud lay cradled near the setting sun,
  A gleam of crimson tinged its braided snow;
Long had I watched the glory moving on
  O’er the still radiance of the lake below.
Tranquil its spirit seemed, and floated slow!
  Even in its very motion there was...