Comme l’autre Ophélie,
      Dont la douce folie
      S’endort en murmurant
           Dans le torrent,

      Pâle, déchevelée
      Et dans l’onde étoilée
      Éparpillant encor
           Ses tresses d’or,

      Et comme...

Un soir, tu t’envolas comme l’oiseau de mer
Dont le coup d’aile altier nargue le gouffre amer :
Et moi, debout sur la colline,
Murmurant à la brise un chant d’Hiawatha,
Longtemps je regardai le flot qui t’emporta,
O doux chantre d’Evangeline !


When youth was lord of my unchallenged fate,
And time seemed but the vassal of my will,
I entertainëd certain guests of state—
The great of older days, who, faithful still,
Have kept with me the pact my youth had made.

And I remember how one galleon rare...

His tongue was touched with sacred fire,
  He could not rest, he must speak out,
  When Liberty lay stabbed, and doubt
Stalked through the night in vestments dire,—

When slaves uplifted manacled hands,
  Praying in agony and despair,
  And answer...

The actor’s dead, and memory alone
Recalls the genial magic of his tone;
Marble nor canvas nor the printed page
Shall tell his genius to another age:
A memory, doomed to dwindle less and less,
His world-wide fame shrinks to this littleness.
Yet if...


On His Birthday, 27th February, 1867
I NEED not praise the sweetness of his song,
  Where limpid verse to limpid verse succeeds
Smooth as our Charles, when, fearing lest he wrong
The new moon’s mirrored skiff, he slides along,
  Full without noise, and...

His tongue was touched with sacred fire,
  He could not rest, he must speak out,
  When Liberty lay stabbed, and doubt
Stalked through the night in vestments dire,—

When slaves uplifted manacled hands,
  Praying in agony and despair,
  And answer...

J'estois assis au meilleu des neuf seurs,
Libre et distraict des pensees mortelles,
Si commencea à chanter l'une d'elles,
Chant qui m'emplit d'infinies doulceurs :

Assemblez vous (dict elle) ô proffesseurs
Des bonnes ars et des sciences belles,