• On the East Devon Coast
    LIE still, old Dane, below thy heap!
      A sturdy-back and sturdy-limb,
      Whoe’er he was, I warrant him
    Upon whose mound the single sheep
      Browses and tinkles in the sun,
      Within the narrow vale alone.

    Lie still, old Dane! This restful scene
      Suits well thy centuries of sleep:
      The soft brown...

  • Anonymous translation from the German
    HA! there comes he, with sweat, with blood of Romans,
    And dust of the fight all stained! Oh, never
              Saw I Hermann so lovely!
              Never such fire in his eyes!

    Come! I tremble for joy; hand me the Eagle
    And the red dripping sword! come, breathe, and rest thee;
              Rest thee here in...

  • Anonymous translation from the German

    FEAR not, O little flock! the foe
    Who madly seeks your overthrow,
        Dread not his rage and power;
    What though your courage sometimes faints?
    His seeming triumph o’er God’s saints
        Lasts but a little hour.

    Be of good cheer; your cause belongs
    To him who can avenge your wrongs,...

  • From the German by Charles Timothy Brooks

    SWORD, on my left side gleaming,
    What means thy bright eye’s beaming?
    It makes my spirit dance
    To see thy friendly glance.

    “A valiant rider bears me;
    A free-born German wears me:
    That makes my eye so bright;
    That is the sword’s delight.”

  • From the German by Rossiter W. Raymond

    THE WEARY night is o’er at last!
    We ride so still, we ride so fast!
      We ride where Death is lying.
    The morning wind doth coldly pass,
    Landlord! we ’ll take another glass,
          Ere dying.

    Thou, springing grass, that art so green,
    Shall soon be rosy red, I ween,
      My blood the hue...

  • A Soldier of the Legion lay dying in Algiers,
    There was lack of woman’s nursing, there was dearth of woman’s tears;
    But a comrade stood beside him, while his life-blood ebbed away,
    And bent, with pitying glances, to hear what he might say.
    The dying soldier faltered, and he took that comrade’s hand,
    And he said, “I nevermore shall see my own, my native...

  • [1800]
    on Linden, when the sun was low,
    All bloodless lay the untrodden snow,
    And dark as winter was the flow
    Of Iser, rolling rapidly.

    But Linden saw another sight
    When the drum beat, at dead of night,
    Commanding fires of death to light
    The darkness of her scenery.

    By torch and trumpet fast arrayed,

  • [1590]
    now glory to the Lord of hosts, from whom all glories are!
    And glory to our sovereign liege, King Henry of Navarre!
    Now let there be the merry sound of music and the dance,
    Through thy corn-fields green, and sunny vines, O pleasant land of France!
    And thou, Rochelle, our own Rochelle, proud city of the waters,
    Again let raptures light the...

  • You know we French stormed Ratisbon:
      A mile or so away,
    On a little mound, Napoleon
      Stood on our storming-day;
    With neck out-thrust, you fancy how,
      Legs wide, arms locked behind,
    As if to balance the prone brow,
      Oppressive with its mind.

    Just as perhaps he mused, “My plans
      That soar, to earth may fall,

  • Anonymous translation from the French
    THE WORK is done! the spent flame burns no more,
      The furnace fires smoke and die,
    The iron flood boils over. Ope the door,
      And let the haughty one pass by!
    Roar, mighty river, rush upon your course,
      A bound,—and, from your dwelling past,
    Dash forward, like a torrent from its source,