• Scene in a Vermont Winter
    ’T IS a fearful night in the winter time,
      As cold as it ever can be;
    The roar of the blast is heard like the chimes
      Of the waves on an angry sea.
    The moon is full; but her silver light
    The storm dashes out with its wings to-night;
    And over the sky from south to north
    Not a star is seen, as the wind...

  • The Day had been a calm and sunny day,
      And tinged with amber was the sky at even;
    The fleecy clouds at length had rolled away,
      And lay in furrows on the eastern heaven;—
    The moon arose and shed a glimmering ray,
    And round her orb a misty circle lay.

    The hoar-frost glittered on the naked heath,
      The roar of distant winds was loud...

  • From “The Seasons: Winter”
      THE KEENER tempests rise; and fuming dun
    From all the livid east, or piercing north,
    Thick clouds ascend; in whose capacious womb
    A vapory deluge lies, to snow congealed.
    Heavy they roll their fleecy world along;
    And the sky saddens with the gathered storm.
    Through the hushed air the whitening shower descends...

  • From the German by Charles Timothy Brooks

      SUMMER joys are o’er;
      Flowerets bloom no more,
    Wintry winds are sweeping;
    Through the snow-drifts peeping,
      Cheerful evergreen
      Rarely now is seen.

      Now no plumèd throng
      Charms the wood with song;
    Ice-bound trees are glittering;
    Merry snow-birds, twittering,...

  • From “The Winter Morning Walk:” “The Task,” Bk. V.

    ’T IS the morning, and the sun with ruddy orb
    Ascending fires the horizon; while the clouds,
    That crowd away before the driving wind,
    More ardent as the disc emerges more,
    Resembles most some city in a blaze,
    Seen through the leafless wood. His slanting ray
    Slides ineffectual down the...

  • Jingle, jingle, clear the way,
    ’T is the merry, merry sleigh!
    As it swiftly scuds along.
    Hear the burst of happy song;
    See the gleam of glances bright,
    Flashing o’er the pathway white!
    Jingle, jingle, past it flies,
    Sending shafts from hooded eyes,—
    Roguish archers, I ’ll be bound,
    Little heeding whom they wound;

  • Along the frozen lake she comes
      In linking crescents, light and fleet;
    The ice-imprisoned Undine hums
      A welcome to her little feet.

    I see the jaunty hat, the plume
      Swerve birdlike in the joyous gale,—
    The cheeks lit up to burning bloom,
      The young eyes sparkling through the veil.

    The quick breath parts her laughing lips...

  • O Winter! wilt thou never, never go?
    O summer! but I weary for thy coming,
    Longing once more to hear the Luggie flow,
    And frugal bees, laboriously humming.
    Now the east-wind diseases the infirm,
    And they must crouch in corners from rough weather;
    Sometimes a winter sunset is a charm,—
    When the fired clouds, compacted, blaze together,...

  • Sing a song of Spring-time!
        Catkins by the brook,
    Adders-tongues uncounted,
        Ferns in every nook;
    The cataract on the hillside
        Leaping like a fawn;
    Sing a song of Spring-time,—
        Ah, but Spring-time ’s gone!

    Sing a song of Summer!
        Flowers among the grass,
    Clouds like fairy frigates,

  • Fresh from the fountains of the wood
      A rivulet of the valley came,
    And glided on for many a rood,
      Flushed with the morning’s ruddy flame.

    The air was fresh and soft and sweet;
      The slopes in spring’s new verdure lay,
    And wet with dew-drops at my feet
      Bloomed the young violets of May.

    No sound of busy life was heard...