• Spring, the sweet spring, is the year’s pleasant king;
    Then blooms each thing, then maids dance in a ring,
    Cold doth not sting, the pretty birds do sing,
      Cuckoo, jug-jug, pu-we, to-witta-woo!

    The palm and may make country-houses gay,
    Lambs frisk and play, the shepherds pipe all day,
    And we hear aye birds tune this merry lay,

  • From the French by Henry F. Cary

    GOD shield ye, heralds of the spring!
    Ye faithful swallows, fleet of wing,
        Houps, cuckoos, nightingales,
    Turtles, and every wilder bird,
    That make your hundred chirpings heard
        Through the green woods and dales.

    God shield ye, Easter daisies all,
    Fair roses, buds, and blossoms small,...

  • Lo! where the rosy-bosomed Hours,
      Fair Venus’ train, appear,
      And wake the purple year!
    The Attic warbler pours her throat
    Responsive to the cuckoo’s note,
    The untaught harmony of spring:
    While, whispering pleasure as they fly,
    Cool zephyrs through the clear blue sky
      Their gathered fragrance fling.

    Where’er the oak’...

  •   AH! my heart is weary waiting,
        Waiting for the May,—
    Waiting for the pleasant rambles
    Where the fragrant hawthorn-brambles,
      With the woodbine alternating,
        Scent the dewy way.
      Ah! my heart is weary waiting,
        Waiting for the May.

      Ah! my heart is sick with longing,
        Longing for the May,—

  • Sweetly breathing, vernal air,
    That with kind warmth doth repair
    Winter’s ruins; from whose breast
    All the gums and spice of the East
    Borrow their perfumes; whose eye
    Gilds the morn, and clears the sky.
    Whose dishevelled tresses shed
    Pearls upon the violet bed;
    On whose brow, with calm smiles drest
    The halcyon sits and...

  • I.
    oh, to be in England now that April’s there
    And whoever wakes in England sees, some morning, unaware,
    That the lowest boughs and the brushwood sheaf
    Round the elm-tree bole are in tiny leaf,
    While the chaffinch sings on the orchard bough
    In England—now!

    And after April, when May follows
    And the white-throat builds,...

  • Warm, wild, rainy wind, blowing fitfully,
    Stirring dreamy breakers on the slumberous May sea,
    What shall fail to answer thee? What thing shall withstand
    The spell of thine enchantment, flowing over sea and land?

    All along the swamp-edge in the rain I go;
    All about my head thou the loosened locks dost blow;
    Like the German goose-girl in the...

  • Now the bright morning star, day’s harbinger,
    Comes dancing from the east, and leads with her
    The flowery May, who from her green lap throws
    The yellow cowslip and the pale primrose.
    Hail, bounteous May! that doth inspire
    Mirth and youth and warm desire;
    Woods and groves are of thy dressing,
    Hill and dale doth boast thy blessing.

  • Spring, with that nameless pathos in the air
    Which dwells with all things fair,
    Spring, with her golden suns and silver rain,
    Is with us once again.

    Out in the lonely woods the jasmine burns
    Its fragrant lamps, and turns
    Into a royal court with green festoons
    The banks of dark lagoons.

    In the deep heart of every forest tree...

  • Again the violet of our early days
    Drinks beauteous azure from the golden sun,
    And kindles into fragrance at his blaze;
    The streams, rejoiced that winter’s work is done,
    Talk of to-morrow’s cowslips, as they run.
    Wild apple, thou art blushing into bloom!
    Thy leaves are coming, snowy-blossomed thorn!
    Wake, buried lily! spirit, quit thy...