• From the French of W. F. Nokes
    From “Polyeucte”
      SEVERUS—                I stand agaze,
    Rooted, confounded, in sheer wonderment.
    Such blind resolve is so unparalleled,
    I scarce may trust the witness of mine ears.
    A heart that loves you—and what heart so poor
    That knowing, loves you not?—one loved of you,
    To leave regretless so much...

  • Cursed by the gods and crowned with shame,
      Fell father of a direful brood,
    Whose crimes have filled the heaven with flame
      And drenched the earth with blood;

    Loki, the guileful Loki, stands
      Within a rocky mountain-gorge;
    Chains gird his body, feet, and hands,
      Wrought in no mortal forge.

    Coiled on the rock, a mighty...

  • It ’s we two, it ’s we two for aye,
    All the world, and we two, and Heaven be our stay!
    Like a laverock 1 in the lift, 2 sing, O bonny bride!
    All the world was Adam once, with Eve by his side.

    What ’s the world, my lass, my love!—what can it do?
    I am thine, and thou art mine; life is sweet and new.
    If the world have missed the mark, let it stand...

  • Were I but his own wife, to guard and to guide him,
      ’T is little of sorrow should fall on my dear;
    I ’d chant my low love-verses, stealing beside him,
      So faint and so tender his heart would but hear;
    I ’d pull the wild blossoms from valley and highland;
      And there at his feet I would lay them all down;
    I ’d sing him the songs of our poor...

  • Two lovers by a moss-grown spring:
    They leaned soft cheeks together there,
    Mingled the dark and sunny hair,
    And heard the wooing thrushes sing.
          O budding time!
          O love’s blest prime!

    Two wedded from the portal stept:
    The bells made happy carolings,
    The air was soft as fanning wings,
    White petals on the pathway...

  • Somewhere in the world there hide
    Garden-gates that no one sees
    Save they come in happy twos,—
    Not in one, nor yet in threes.

    But from every maiden’s door
    Leads a pathway straight and true;
    Map and survey know it not,—
    He who finds, finds room for two!

    Then they see the garden-gates!
    Never skies so blue as theirs,...

  • From “The Fall of Jerusalem”
    TO the sound of timbrels sweet
    Moving slow our solemn feet,
    We have borne thee on the road
    To the virgin’s blest abode;
    With thy yellow torches gleaming,
    And thy scarlet mantle streaming,
    And the canopy above
    Swaying as we slowly move.
    Thou hast left the joyous feast,
    And the mirth and...

  • From “Epithalamion”
    *        *        *        *        *NOW is my love all ready forth to come:
    Let all the virgins therefore well awayt:
    And ye fresh boyes, that tend upon her groome,
    Prepare yourselves; for he is coming strayt.
    Set all your things in seemely good array,
    Fit for so joyfull day:
    The joyfulst day that ever sunne did see,...

  • From “a Ballad upon a Wedding”
    *        *        *        *        *THE MAID, and thereby hangs a tale,
    For such a maid no Whitsun-ale
        Could ever yet produce:
    No grape that ’s kindly ripe could be
    So round, so plump, so soft as she,
        Nor half so full of juice.

    Her finger was so small, the ring
    Would not stay on which they...

  • From an Old Song, “Woo’d and Married and a’”

    THE BRIDE she is winsome and bonny,
      Her hair it is snooded sae sleek,
    And faithfu’ and kind is her Johnny,
      Yet fast fa’ the tears on her cheek.
    New pearlins 1 are cause of her sorrow,
      New pearlins and plenishing too;
    The bride that has a’ to borrow
      Has e’en right mickle ado....