Title Poet Year Written Collection Body
Thestylis Charles-Marie Leconte de Lisle 1856 French

Aux pentes du coteau, sous les roches moussues,
L'eau vive en murmurant filtre par mille issues,
Croît, déborde, et remue en son cours diligent
La mélisse odorante et les cailloux d'argent.
Le soir monte : on entend s'épandre dans les plaines
De flottantes rumeurs et de...

Thétis Jean-Baptiste Rousseau 1690 French

Près de l’humide empire où Vénus prit naissance,
Dans un bois consacré par le malheur d’Atys,
Le Sommeil et l’Amour, tous deux d’intelligence,
A l’amoureux Pélée avaient livré Thétis.
Qu’eut fait Minerve même, en cet état réduite ?
Mais, dans l’art de Protée en sa...

Theurer Freund! Was soll es nützen Heinrich Heine 1827 German

     „Theurer Freund! Was soll es nützen,
Stets das alte Lied zu leiern?
Willst du ewig brütend sitzen
Auf den alten Liebes-Eiern!

5      Ach! das ist ein ewig Gattern,
Aus den Schaalen kriechen Küchlein,
Und sie piepsen und sie flattern,
Und du...

Theurer Freund, du bist verliebt Heinrich Heine 1827 German

     Theurer Freund, du bist verliebt,
Und dich quälen neue Schmerzen;
Dunkler wird es dir im Kopf’,
Heller wird es dir im Herzen.

5      Theurer Freund, du bist verliebt,
Und du willst es nicht bekennen,
Und ich seh’ des Herzens Gluth

They ask but our Delight — English

They ask but our Delight —

The Darlings of the Soil

And grant us all their Countenance

For a penurious smile.

They called me to the Window, for

They called me to the Window, for

" 'Twas Sunset" — Some one said —

I only saw a Sapphire Farm —

And just a Single Herd —

Of Opal Cattle — feeding far

Upon so vain a Hill —

As even while I looked —...

They dropped like Flakes — English

They dropped like Flakes —

They dropped like Stars —

Like Petals from a Rose —

When suddenly across the June

A wind with fingers — goes —

They perished in the Seamless Grass —

No eye could find the...

They have a little Odor — that to me English

They have a little Odor — that to me

Is metre — nay — 'tis melody —

And spiciest at fading — indicate —

A Habit — of a Laureate —

They leave us with the Infinite. English

They leave us with the Infinite.

But He — is not a man —

His fingers are the size of fists —

His fists, the size of men —

And whom he foundeth, with his Arm

As Himmaleh, shall stand —


They might not need me — yet they might — English

They might not need me but; they might.

I'll let my Head be just in sight;

A smile as small as mine might be

Precisely their necessity.

They put Us far apart — English

They put Us far apart —

As separate as Sea

And Her unsown Peninsula —

We signified "These see" —

They took away our Eyes —

They thwarted Us with Guns —

"I see Thee" each responded straight

They say that "Time assuages" —

They say that "Time assuages" —

Time never did assuage —

An actual suffering strengthens

As Sinews do, with age —

Time is a Test of Trouble —

But not a Remedy —

If such it prove, it prove too

They shut me up in Prose — English

They shut me up in Prose —

As when a little Girl

They put me in the Closet —

Because they liked me "still" —

Still! Could themself have peeped —

And seen my Brain — go round —

They might as wise have...

They talk as slow as Legends grow English

They talk as slow as Legends grow

No mushroom is their mind

But foliage of sterility

Too stolid for the wind —

They laugh as wise as Plots of Wit

Predestined to unfold

The point with bland prevision...

They won't frown always — some sweet Day English

They won't frown always — some sweet Day

When I forget to tease —

They'll recollect how cold I looked

And how I just said "Please."

Then They will hasten to the Door

To call the little Girl


Thinkin’ Long Anna MacManus English

Oh thinkin’ long ’s the weary work!
It breaks my heart from dawn
Till all the wee, wee, friendly stars
Come out at dayli’gone.
An’ thinkin’ long ’s the weary work,
When I must spin and spin,
To drive the fearsome fancies out,
An’ hold the...

Thirsi pastor Francisco de Figueroa 1550 Spanish


Thirsi, Pastor del mas famoso rio,
Que dá tributo al Tajo, en la ribera
Del glorioso Sebeto á Daphne amaba
Con ardor tal, que fue mil veces visto
Tendido en tierra en doloroso llanto
Pasar la noche, y al nacer del dia
Como suelen...

Thirsis an Lilla Karoline Rudolphi 1781 German

Dich, Lilla, sollt' ich wohl besingen:
Denn wer verdients, wie du so sehr?
Allein, erst müßt' ich dich um etwas bringen:
Ich sollte doch aus meinem Herzen singen,
Und sieh nur Kind, ich hab' es ja nicht mehr.

This Bauble was preferred of Bees —

This Bauble was preferred of Bees —

By Butterflies admired

At Heavenly — Hopeless Distances —

Was justified of Bird —

Did Noon — enamel — in Herself

Was Summer to a Score

Who only knew of Universe —...

This Chasm, Sweet, upon my life

This Chasm, Sweet, opon my life

I mention it to you,

When Sunrise through a fissure drop

The Day must follow too.

If we demur, its gaping sides

Disclose as 'twere a Tomb

Ourself am lying straight...