Title Poet Year Written Collection Body
Theocritus: A Villanelle English
Theodote Hermann Oelschläger 1869 German

Kreitton logou to kalloV thV gunaikoV


Ob du daran wirst Wohlgefallen tragen,...

Theon an Wilhelminen Christian Friedrich Daniel Schubart 1849 German

Wilhelmine, o du Holde!
Die beim ersten Blick entzückt,
Denn mit seinem reinsten Golde
Hat der Himmel dich geschmückt.
Höre - nicht mit Liebesklagen
Füll' ich dieses...

Théophile Gautier Théodore de Banville 1843 French


      Théophile Gautier ! poëte
      Au regard limpide et vermeil,
      Dont l’œuvre fut un hymne en fête
      A la vie ivre de soleil !

      A l’heure où la Mort en délire,
      Avec un regret insensé,
      Admire encor ton fier...

Théophile Gautier élégiaque François Coppée 1892 French

Maître, l’envieux n’a pu satisfaire
Sur toi son cruel et lâche désir.
Ton nom restera pareil à la sphère,
Qui n’a pas de point par où la saisir.

Pourtant il fallait nier quelque chose
A l’œuvre parfaite où tu mis ton sceau.
Splendeur et parfum, c’est trop...

Théra Anatole France 1884 French

Cette outre en peau de chèvre, ô buveur, est gonflée
De l'esprit éloquent des vignes que Théra,
Se tordant sur les flots, noire, déchevelée
Étendit au puissant soleil qui les dora.

Théra ne s'orne plus de myrtes ni d'yeuses,
Ni de la verte absinthe agréable aux...

There Paul Verlaine 1870 French

( A Émile Le Brun)

"Angels" ! seul coin luisant dans ce Londres du soir,
Où flambe un peu de gaz et jase quelque foule,
C'est drôle que, semblable à tel très dur espoir,
Tout souvenir m'obsède et puissamment enroule
Autour de mon esprit un regret rouge et noir :...

There are two Mays English

There are two Mays

And then a Must

And after that a Shall.

How infinite the compromise

That indicates I will!

There are two Ripenings — one — of sight — English

There are two Ripenings — one — of sight —

Whose forces Spheric wind

Until the Velvet product

Drop spicy to the ground —

A homelier maturing —

A process in the Bur —

That teeth of Frosts alone disclose...

There came a Day at Summer's full, English

There came a Day at Summer's full,

Entirely for me —

I thought that such were for the Saints,

Where Resurrections — be —

The Sun, as common, went abroad,

The flowers, accustomed, blew,

As if no soul...

There came a Wind like a Bugle — English

There came a Wind like a Bugle —

It quivered through the Grass

And a Green Chill upon the Heat

So ominous did pass

We barred the Windows and the Doors

As from an Emerald Ghost —

The Doom's electric...

There comes a warning like a spy English

There comes a warning like a spy

A shorter breath of Day

A stealing that is not a stealth

And Summers are away —

There comes an hour when begging stops, English

There comes an hour when begging stops,

When the long interceding lips

Perceive their prayer is vain.

"Thou shalt not" is a kinder sword

Than from a disappointing God

"Disciple, call again."

There is a finished feeling English

There is a finished feeling

Experienced at Graves —

A leisure of the Future —

A Wilderness of Size.

By Death's bold Exhibition

Preciser what we are

And the Eternal function

Enabled to...

There is a flower that Bees prefer —

There is a flower that Bees prefer —

And Butterflies — desire —

To gain the Purple Democrat

The Humming Bird — aspire —

And Whatsoever Insect pass —

A Honey bear away

Proportioned to his several...

There is a June when Corn is cut English

There is a June when Corn is cut

And Roses in the Seed —

A Summer briefer than the first

But tenderer indeed

As should a Face supposed the Grave's

Emerge a single Noon

In the Vermilion that it wore...

There is a Lady Sweet and Kind Thomas Ford 1600 Love


There is a lady sweet and kind,
Was never face so pleas'd my mind;
I did but see her passing by,
And yet I love her till I die.

Her gesture, motion, and her smiles,
Her wit, her voice, my heart beguiles,
Beguiles my heart, I know not why,
And yet I...

There is a Languor of the Life English

There is a Languor of the Life

More imminent than Pain —

'Tis Pain's Successor — When the Soul

Has suffered all it can —

A Drowsiness — diffuses —

A Dimness like a Fog

Envelops Consciousness —

There is a morn by men unseen — English

There is a morn by men unseen —

Whose maids upon remoter green

Keep their Seraphic May —

And all day long, with dance and game,

And gambol I may never name —

Employ their holiday.

Here to light...

There is a pain — so utter — English

There is a pain — so utter —

It swallows substance up —

Then covers the Abyss with Trance —

So Memory can step

Around — across — upon it —

As one within a Swoon —

Goes safely — where an open eye —