Title Poet Year Written Collection Body
The Wreck Lord Byron English

From “Don Juan,” Canto II.
THEN rose from sea to sky the wild farewell—
Then shrieked the timid, and stood still the brave,—
Then some leaped overboard with dreadful yell,
  As eager to anticipate their grave;
And the sea yawned around her like a hell,...

The Wreck of the Hesperus Henry Wadsworth Longfellow 1827 English

It was the schooner Hesperus
    That sailed the wintry sea;
And the skipper had taken his little daughter,
    To bear him company.

Blue were her eyes as the fairy flax,
    Her cheeks like the dawn of day,
And her bosom white as the hawthorn...

The Yankee Man-of-War Anonymous English

’t is of a gallant Yankee ship that flew the stripes and stars,
And the whistling wind from the west-nor’-west blew through the pitch-pine spars;
With her starboard tacks aboard, my boys, she hung upon the gale;
On an autumn night we raised the light on the old Head of...

The Yarn of the “Nancy Bell” William Schwenck Gilbert 1856 English

From “The Bab Ballads”
’T WAS on the shores that round our coast
    From Deal to Ramsgate span,
That I found alone, on a piece of stone,
    An elderly naval man.

His hair was weedy, his beard was long,
    And weedy and long was he;

The Year of Jubilee Anonymous English

SAY, 1 darkeys, hab you seen de massa,
  Wid de muffstash on he face,
Go long de road some time dis mornin’,
  Like he gwine leabe de place?
He see de smoke way up de ribber
  Whar de Lincum gunboats lay;
He took he hat an’ leff berry sudden,...

The Young Gray Head Caroline Bowles Southey 1806 English

Grief hath been known to turn the young head gray,—
To silver over in a single day
The bright locks of the beautiful, their prime
Scarcely o’erpast; as in the fearful time
Of Gallia’s madness, that discrownèd head
Serene, that on the accursèd altar bled...

The Yule Log William Hamilton Hayne English

Out of the mighty Yule log came
The crooning of the lithe wood-flame,—
A single bar of music fraught
With cheerful yet half pensive thought,—
A thought elusive: out of reach,
Yet trembling on the verge of speech.

The Zeroes — taught us — Phosphorous —

The Zeroes — taught us — Phosphorous —

We learned to like the Fire

By playing Glaciers — when a Boy —

And Tinder — guessed — by power

Of Opposite — to balance Odd —

If White — a Red — must be!

Paralysis —...

The “Old, Old Song” Charles Kingsley 1839 English

When all the world is young, lad,
  And all the trees are green;
And every goose a swan, lad,
  And every lass a queen;
Then hey for boot and horse, lad,
  And round the world away;
Young blood must have its course, lad,
  And every dog his...

Thébaïde Théophile Gautier 1831 French


Mon rêve le plus cher et le plus caressé,
Le seul qui rie encor à mon cœur oppressé,
C’est de m’ensevelir au fond d’une chartreuse,
Dans une solitude inabordable, affreuse ;
Loin, bien loin, tout là-bas, dans quelque Sierra
Bien sauvage, où jamais voix d’...

Thébaïde Louis Ménard 1862 French

Quand notre dernier rêve est à jamais parti,
Il est une heure dure à traverser ; c'est l'heure
Où ceux pour qui la vie est mauvaise ont senti
Qu'il faut bien qu'à son tour chaque illusion meure.

Ils se disent alors que la part la meilleure
Est celle de l'ascète au...

Theerose Eufemia von Adlersfeld-Ballestrem 1878 German

Der Mondschein flimmert auf den Fluren
Wie gold'ner Hauch auf Schneegefild,
Der zitternd leise ros'ge Spuren
Hinzaubert wie ein Duft so mild.
Ein Röslein roth am Strauch im Garten,
So schön, wie keines je man brach, -...

Thefts of the Morning Edith Matilda Thomas English

Bind us the Morning, mother of the stars
And of the winds that usher in the day!
Ere her light fingers slide the eastern bars,
A netted snare before her footsteps lay;
Ere the pale roses of the mist be strown,
Bind us the Morning, and restore our own!...

Their Barricade against the Sky English

Their Barricade against the Sky

The martial Trees withdraw

And with a Flag at every turn

Their Armies are no more.

What Russet Halts in Nature's March

They indicate or cause

An inference of Mexico...

Their dappled importunity English

Their dappled importunity

Disparage or dismiss —

The Obloquies of Etiquette

Are obsolete to Bliss —

Their Height in Heaven comforts not — English

Their Height in Heaven comforts not —

Their Glory — nought to me —

'Twas best imperfect — as it was —

I'm finite — I can't see —

The House of Supposition —

The Glimmering Frontier that

Skirts the...

Thème sentimental Émile Nelligan 1899 French

Je t'ai vue un soir me sourire
Dans la planète des Bergers :
Tu descendais à pas légers
Du seuil d'un château de porphyre.

Et ton oeil de diamant rare
Eblouissait le règne astral.
Femme, depuis, par mont ou val,
Femme, beau marbre de Carrare,


Themself are all I have —

Themself are all I have —

Myself a freckled — be —

I thought you'd choose a Velvet Cheek

Or one of Ivory —

Would you — instead of Me?

Then and Now Charles Frederick Johnson English

To me the earth once seemed to be
    Most beautiful and fair;
All living creatures were to me,
    In wood or air,
But kindred of a freer class;
    I thrilled with keenest joy
To find the young quail in the grass:—
    I was a boy.

Theocritus Annie Fields English

Ay! unto thee belong
The pipe and song,
Loved by the satyr and the faun!
To thee the olive and the vine,
To thee the Mediterranean pine,
And the soft lapping sea!
Thine, Bacchus,
Thine, the blood-red revels,