Title Poet Year Written Collection Body
Suspiro José Asunción Silva 1885 Spanish

Si en tus recuerdos ves algún día
entre la niebla de lo pasado
surgir la triste memoria mía
medio borrada ya por los años,
piensa que fuiste siempre mi anhelo
y si el recuerdo de amor tan santo
mueve tu pecho; nubla tu cielo,
llena de lágrimas tus ojos...

Suum cuique! Karl Henckell 1921 German

Suum cuique!

Es läuft ein großes Schweinepack
Auf dieser Welt herum,
Ob Sportdreß, Samtflaus, Joppe, Frack,
Ob’s Schnaps säuft oder Mumm.

5 Steckt überall den Rüssel ’rein,
Wo’s was zu schnüffeln gibt,
Bekleckert selbst den klaren Wein,

Suzanne André Chénier 1778 French

Je dirai l'innocence en butte à l'imposture,
Et le pouvoir inique, et la vieillesse impure,
L'enfance auguste et sage, et Dieu, dans ses bienfaits,
Qui daigne la choisir pour venger les forfaits.
Ô fille du Très-Haut, organe du génie,
Voix sublime et touchante,...

Suzette et Suzon Victor Hugo 1844 French

J'adore Suzette,
Mais j'aime Suzon,
Suzette en toilette,
Suzon sans façon !
Ah ! Suzon, Suzette !
Suzette, Suzon !

Rimons pour Suzette,
Rimons pour Suzon ;
L'une est ma musette,
L'autre est ma chanson,
Ah ! Suzon, Suzette !

Suzon Alfred de Musset 1830 French

Ce que j'écris est bon pour les buveurs de bière
Qui jettent la bouteille après le premier verre:
C'est l'histoire d'un fou mort pour avoir aimé
A casser une pipe après avoir fumé.

Deux muscadins d'abbés qui soupaient chez le pape,
Etant venus un jour à bout de se...

Sweet hours have perished here; English

Sweet hours have perished here,

This is a timid room -

Within it's precints hopes have played

Now shadows in the tomb.

Sweet is the swamp with its secrets,

Sweet is the swamp with its secrets,

Until we meet a snake;

'Tis then we sigh for houses,

And our departure take

At that enthralling gallop

That only childhood knows.

A snake is summer's treason,...

Sweet meat has sour sauce English
Sweet Meeting of Desires Coventry Patmore 1843 English

From “The Angel in the House”
I GREW assured, before I asked,
  That she ’d be mine without reserve,
And in her unclaimed graces basked
  At leisure, till the time should serve,—
With just enough of dread to thrill
  The hope, and make it trebly...

Sweet Mountains — Ye tell Me no lie —

Sweet Mountains — Ye tell Me no lie —

Never deny Me — Never fly —

Those same unvarying Eyes

Turn on Me — when I fail — or feign,

Or take the Royal names in vain —

Their far — slow — Violet Gaze —


Sweet Nature’s Voice Arthur Joseph Munby English

From “Susan: A Poem of Degrees”
HER Master gave the signal, with a look:
Then, timidly as if afraid, she took
In her rough hands the Laureate’s dainty book,
And straight began. But when she did begin,
Her own mute sense of poesy within
Broke forth...

Sweet Pirate of the heart,

Sweet Pirate of the heart,

Not Pirate of the Sea,

What wrecketh thee?

Some spice's Mutiny —

Some Attar's perfidy?

Confide in me.

Sweet Skepticism of the Heart — English

Sweet Skepticism of the Heart —

That knows — and does not know —

And tosses like a Fleet of Balm —

Affronted by the snow —

Invites and then retards the Truth

Lest Certainty be sere

Compared with the...

Sweet — safe — Houses —

Sweet — safe — Houses —

Glad — gay — Houses —

Sealed so stately tight —

Lids of Steel — on Lids of Marble —

Locking Bare feet out —

Brooks of Plush — in Banks of Satin

Not so softly fall


Sweet — You forgot — but I remembered

Sweet — You forgot — but I remembered

Every time — for Two —

So that the Sum be never hindered

Through Decay of You —

Say if I erred? Accuse my Farthings —

Blame the little Hand

Happy it be for You...

Sweet, to have had them lost English

Sweet, to have had them lost

For news that they be saved —

The nearer they departed Us

The nearer they, restored,

Shall stand to Our Right Hand —

Most precious and the Dead —

Next precious

Swelld limbs with no outline that you can descry

* * *

Swelld limbs with no outline that you can descry

That Stink in the Nose of a Stander by

But all the Pulp washd painted finishd with labour

Of an hundred journeymens how dye do Neighbour

Swell’s Soliloquy Anonymous English

I Don’t appwove this hawid waw;
  Those dweadful bannahs hawt my eyes;
And guns and dwums are such a baw,—
  Why don’t the pawties compwamise?

Of cawce, the twoilet has its chawms;
  But why must all the vulgah cwowd
Pawsist in spawting unifawms...

swem ist mit edlem sange wol Hartloub Johannes 1422 German

swem ist mit edlem sange wol
des herze ist vol gar edler sinne
sanc ist ein sô gar edlez guot
er kumt von edlem sinne dar
durch frouwen klâr durch edel minne
von den zwein kumt sô hôher muot
waz waer diu welt enwaeren wîp sô schoene
durch sî wirt sô vil...

Swimming Lord Byron English

From “The Two Foscari”
                HOW many a time have I
Cloven, with arm still lustier, breast more daring,
The wave all roughened; with a swimmer’s stroke
Flinging the billows back from my drenched hair,
And laughing from my lips the audacious brine...