Title Poet Year Written Collection Body
Song [Secret Love] John Clare 1841 Love

I hid my love when young while I
Couldn't bear the buzzing of a fly
I hid my love to my despite
Till I could not bear to look at light
I dare not gaze upon her face
But left her memory in each place
Where ere I saw a wild flower lie
I kissed and bade my love...

Song, to the Gods, Is Sweetest Sacrifice Annie Fields English

“behold another singer!” Criton said,
And sneered, and in his sneering turned the leaf:
“Who reads the poets now? They are past and dead:
Give me for their vain work unrhymed relief.”
A laugh went round. Meanwhile the last ripe sheaf
Of corn was garnered,...

Song, Youth, and Sorrow William Cranston Lawton English

Lofty against our Western dawn uprises Achilles:
  He among heroes alone singeth or toucheth the lyre.
Few, and dimmed by grief, are the days that to him are appointed!
  Love he shall know but to lose, life but to cast it away.
Dreaming of peace and a bride, he...

Song: Sweetest love I do not go . . . John Donne 1624 Love

Sweetest love, I do not go,
For weariness of thee,
Nor in hope the world can show
A fitter love for me;
But since that I
Must die at last, 'tis best
To use myself in jest
Thus by feign'd deaths to die.

Yesternight the sun went hence,
And yet is...

Song: To Celia Ben Jonson 1616 Love

Drink to me, only, with thine eyes,
And I will pledge with mine;
Or leave a kisse but in the cup,
And Ile not look for wine.
The thirst, that from the soule doth rise,
Doth aske a drink divine:
But might I of Jove's Nectar sup,
I would not change for thine....

Song: “A weary lot is thine, fair maid” Sir Walter Scott 1791 English

“a Weary lot is thine, fair maid,
  A weary lot is thine!
To pull the thorn thy brow to braid,
  And press the rue for wine!
A lightsome eye, a soldier’s mien,
  A feather of the blue,
A doublet of the Lincoln green—
  No more of me you...

Song: “Ask me no more where Jove bestows” Thomas Carew 1615 English

Ask me no more where Jove bestows,
When June is past, the fading rose;
For in your beauty’s orient deep,
These flowers, as in their causes, sleep.

Ask me no more whither do stray
The golden atoms of the day;
For in pure love heaven did prepare...

Song: “He that is down need fear no fall” John Bunyan 1648 English

He that is down need fear no fall;
  He that is low, no pride;
He that is humble ever shall
  Have God to be his guide.

I am content with what I have,
  Little be it or much;
And, Lord, contentment still I crave,
  Because thou savest...

Song: “It is the miller’s daughter” Alfred, Lord Tennyson English

From “The Miller’s Daughter”
IT is the miller’s daughter,
  And she is grown so dear, so dear,
That I would be the jewel
  That trembles at her ear:
For, hid in ringlets day and night,
I ’d touch her neck so warm and white.

And I would be...

Song: “Love still has something” Sir Charles Sedley 1659 English

Love still has something of the sea,
  From whence his Mother rose;
No time his slaves from love can free,
  Nor give their thoughts repose.

They are becalmed in clearest days,
  And in rough weather tost;
They wither under cold delays,...

Song: “She ’s somewhere in the sunlight strong” Richard Le Gallienne English

She ’s somewhere in the sunlight strong,
  Her tears are in the falling rain,
She calls me in the wind’s soft song,
  And with the flowers she comes again.

Yon bird is but her messenger,
  The moon is but her silver car;
Yea! sun and moon are...

Song: “The bride she is winsome and bonny” Joanna Baillie 1782 English

From an Old Song, “Woo’d and Married and a’”

THE BRIDE she is winsome and bonny,
  Her hair it is snooded sae sleek,
And faithfu’ and kind is her Johnny,
  Yet fast fa’ the tears on her cheek.
New pearlins 1 are cause of her sorrow,
  New pearlins...

Song: “The shape alone let others prize” Mark Akenside 1741 English

The Shape alone let others prize,
  The features of the fair:
I look for spirit in her eyes,
  And meaning in her air.

A damask cheek, an ivory arm,
  Shall ne’er my wishes win:
Give me an animated form,
  That speaks a mind within.

Song: “The year ’s at the spring” Robert Browning 1832 English

From “Pippa Passes”
THE YEAR ’S at the spring,
And day ’s at the morn;
Morning ’s at seven;
The hill-side ’s dew-pearled;
The lark ’s on the wing;
The snail ’s on the thorn;
God ’s in His heaven—
All ’s right with the world.

Songe Charles Van Lerberghe 1884 French

Sur mes seins, mes mains endormies,
Lasses des jeux et des fuseaux,
Mes blanches mains, mes mains amies
Semblent dormir au fond des eaux.

Loin des peines tristes et vaines,
En ce trône de ma beauté,
Calmes, lentes et frêles reines,
Mes mains songent...

Songe Pierre de Marbeuf 1621 French

Cet Hiver en dormant je songe que ma flore,
Voulant récompenser mes peines et mes pleurs,
Me caresse, me baise, et me promet encore
De me garder le fruit de ces premières fleurs.

Ainsi durant la nuit se lève mon aurore,
Afin de m'assurer que les destins...

Songe agréable Joseph Quesnel 1778 French

Une nuit que le dieu Morphée,
Sur ma paupière comprimée
Distillait ses plus doux pavots,
Je vis en songe dans la nue,
Un vieillard à tête chenue,
Qui me fit entendre des mots :

Bellone va fuir exilée,
L'Europe de sang abreuvée
La repousse au fond des...

Songe d’été Charles Cros 1862 French


À d’autres les ciels bleus ou les ciels tourmentés,
La neige des hivers, le parfum des étés,
Les monts où vous grimpez, fiertés aventurières
Des Anglaises. Mes yeux aiment mieux les clairières
Où la charcuterie a laissé ses papiers,
Les sentiers où l’on...

Songe d’hiver Théodore de Banville 1889 French

A sad tale’s best for winter ;
I have one of spirits and goblins.
Shakspere, Winter’s tale. Act.II, scène I.


Dans nos longs soirs d’hiver, où, chez le bon Armand,
Dans notre farniente adorable et charmant
         On oubliait...

Songe, songe Mortel, que tu n'es rien que cendre Charles Vion d'Alibray 1620 French

Songe, songe Mortel, que tu n'es rien que cendre
Et l'asseuré butin d'un funeste cercueil,
Porte haut tes desseins, porte haut ton orgueil,
Au gouffre du neant il te faudra descendre.

Qu'est enfin un Cesar, et qu'est un Alexandre
Dont les armes ont mis tant de...