
You, Nebuchadnezzar, whoa, sah! Whar is you tryin’ to go, sah? I ’d hab you fur to know, sah, I ’s a-holdin’ ob de lines. You better stop dat prancin’, You ’s paw’ful fond ob dancin’, But I ’ll bet my yeah’s advancin’ Dat I ’ll cure you ob yo’ shines. Look heah, mule! Better min’ out; Fus’ t’ing you know you ’ll fin’ out How quick I ’ll wear dis line out On your ugly, stubbo’n back. You needn’t try to steal up; An’ lif dat precious heel up; You ’s got to plough dis fiel’ up, You has, sah, fur a fac’. Dar, dat ’s de way to do it; He ’s comin’ right down to it; Jes watch him ploughin’ troo it! Dis nigger ain’t no fool. Some folks dey would ’a’ beat him; Now, dat would only heat him— I know just how to treat him: You mus’ reason wid a mule. He minds me like a nigger. If he wuz only bigger He ’d fotch a mighty figger, He would, I tell you! Yes, sah! See how he keeps a-clickin’! He ’s as gentle as a chicken, And nebber thinks o’ kickin’— Whoa dar! Nebuchadnezzah! Is this heah me, or not me? Or is de debbil got me? Wuz dat a cannon shot me? Hab I laid heah more ’n a week? Dat mule do kick amazin’! De beast was sp’iled in raisin’; But now I spect he ’s grazin’ On de oder side de creek.

Sub Title: 
Humorous Poems: II. Miscellaneous

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