Irwin Russell

  • You, Nebuchadnezzar, whoa, sah!
    Whar is you tryin’ to go, sah?
    I ’d hab you fur to know, sah,
    I ’s a-holdin’ ob de lines.
    You better stop dat prancin’,
    You ’s paw’ful fond ob dancin’,
    But I ’ll bet my yeah’s advancin’
    Dat I ’ll cure you ob...

  • Go ’way, fiddle! folks is tired o’ hearin’ you a-squawkin’.
    Keep silence fur yo’ betters!—don’t you hear de banjo talkin’?
    About de ’possum’s tail she ’s gwine to lecter—ladies, listen!—
    About de ha’r whut isn’t dar, an’ why de ha’r is missin’:

    “Dar’s gwine to...

  • Go ’way, fiddle! folks is tired o’ hearin’ you a-squawkin’.
    Keep silence fur yo’ betters!—don’t you heah de banjo talkin’?
    About de ’possum’s tail she ’s gwine to lecter—ladies, listen!—
    About de ha’r whut is n’t dar, an’ why de ha’r is missin’:

    “Dar’s gwine to...