The Props assist the House
Until the House is built
And then the Props withdraw
And adequate, erect,
The House support itself
And cease to recollect
The Auger and the Carpenter —
Just such a retrospect
Hath the perfected Life —
A past of Plank and Nail
The Province of the Saved
Should be the Art — To save —
Through Skill obtained in Themselves —
The Science of the Grave
No Man can understand
But He that hath endured
The Dissolution — in Himself —
That Man — be qualified
To qualify Despair
To Those who... -
The pungent atom in the Air
Admits of no debate —
All that is named of Summer Days
Relinquished our Estate —
For what Department of Delight
As positive are we
As Limit of Dominion
Or Dams — of Ecstasy — -
THE Queen of Beauty, t'other day
(As the Elysian journals say).
To ease herself of all her cares,
And better carry on affairs;
By privy-council mov'd above,
And Cupid minister of love,
To keep the earth in due obedience,
Resolv'd to substitute vice-regents;
To... -
IN Celia's arms while bless'd I lay,
My soul in bliss dissolved away:
'Tell me,' the charmer cried, 'how well
'You love your Celia; Strephon, tell.'
Kissing her glowing, burning cheek,
'I'll tell,' I cried — but could not speak.
At length my voice return'd, and she
... -
The rainbow never tells me
That gust and storm are by,
Yet is she more convincing
Than Philosophy.
My flowers turn from Forums —
Yet eloquent declare
What Cato couldn't prove me
Except the birds were here! -
The Rat is the concisest Tenant.
He pays no Rent.
Repudiates the Obligation —
On Schemes intent
Balking our Wit
To sound or circumvent —
Hate cannot harm
A Foe so reticent —
Neither Decree prohibit him —
Lawful as Equilibrium. -
The Red — Blaze — is the Morning —
The Violet — is Noon —
The Yellow — Day — is falling —
And after that — is none —
But Miles of Sparks — at Evening —
Reveal the Width that burned —
The Territory Argent — that
Never yet — consumed — -
The reticent volcano keeps
His never slumbering plan —
Confided are his projects pink
To no precarious man.
If nature will not tell the tale
Jehovah told to her
Can human nature not survive
Without a listener?
Admonished by her buckled lips
Let every... -
The Riddle we can guess
We speedily despise —
Not anything is stale so long
As Yesterday's surprise —