
The world IS MINE FOR me the jasmine buds unfold And silver daisies star the lea, The crocus hoards the sunset gold, And the wild rose breathes for me. I feel the sap through the bough returning, I share the skylark’s transport fine, I know the fountain’s way ward yearning; I love, and the world is mine! I love, and thoughts that sometime grieved, Still well remembered, grieve not me; From all that darkened and deceived Upsoars my spirit free. For soft the hours repeat one story, Sings the sea one strain divine, My clouds arise all flushed with glory; I love, and the world is mine! TO-MORROW THE ROBIN chants when the thrush is dumb, Snow smooths a bed for the clover, Life flames anew, and days to come Are sweet as the days that are over. The tide that ebbs by the moon flows back, Faith builds on the ruins of sorrow, The halcyon flutters in winter’s track, And night makes way for the morrow. And ever a strain, of joys the sum, Sings on in the heart of the lover— In death sings on—that days to come Are sweet as the days that are over!


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