• Jack and JILL
    AH, Jack it was, and with him little Jill,
    Of the same age and size, a neighbor’s daughter,
    Who on a breezy morning climbed the hill
    To fetch down to the house a pail of water.
    Jack put his best foot foremost on that day,—
    Vaulting ambition we have seen before,—
    He stepped too far, of course, and soon he lay
    In the...

  • What, what, what,
    What ’s the news from Swat?
          Sad news,
          Bad news,
    Comes by the cable led
    Through the Indian Ocean’s bed,
    Through the Persian Gulf, the Red
    Sea and the Med-
    Iterranean—he ’s dead;
    The Ahkoond is dead!

    For the Ahkoond I mourn,
        Who would n’t?
    He strove to disregard the...

  • Ode

    i am the spirit of the morning sea;
    I am the awakening and the glad surprise;
    I fill the skies
    With laughter and with light.
    Not tears, but jollity
    At birth of day brim the strong man-child’s eyes.
    Behold the white
    Wide three-fold beams that from the hidden sun
    Rise swift and far,—
    One where Orion keeps

  • O white and midnight sky! O starry bath!
    Wash me in thy pure, heavenly, crystal flood;
    Cleanse me, ye stars, from earthly soil and scath;
    Let not one taint remain in spirit or blood!
    Receive my soul, ye burning, awful deeps;
    Touch and baptize me with the mighty power
    That in ye thrills, while the dark planet sleeps;
    Make me all yours for...

  • I count my time by times that I meet thee;
    These are my yesterdays, my morrows, noons,
    And nights; these my old moons and my new moons.
    Slow fly the hours, or fast the hours do flee,
    If thou art far from or art near to me:
    If thou art far, the bird tunes are no tunes;
    If thou art near, the wintry days are Junes,—
    Darkness is light, and...

  • I
    not from the whole wide world I chose thee,
      Sweetheart, light of the land and the sea!
    The wide, wide world could not inclose thee,
      For thou art the whole wide world to me.

    Years have flown since I knew thee first,
      And I know thee as water is known of thirst;
    Yet I knew thee of old at the first sweet sight,

  • This bronze doth keep the very form and mould
    Of our great martyr’s face. Yes, this is he:
    That brow all wisdom, all benignity;
    That human, humorous mouth; those cheeks that hold
    Like some harsh landscape all the summer’s gold;
    That spirit fit for sorrow, as the sea
    For storms to beat on; the lone agony
    Those silent, patient lips too well...

  • What is a sonnet? ’T is the pearly shell
    That murmurs of the far-off murmuring sea;
    A precious jewel carved most curiously;
    It is a little picture painted well.
    What is a sonnet? ’T is the tear that fell
    From a great poet’s hidden ecstasy;
    A two-edged sword, a star, a song,—ah me!
    Sometimes a heavy-tolling funeral bell.
    This was...

  • What domes and pinnacles of mist and fire
      Are builded in yon spacious realms of light
    All silently, as did the walls aspire
      Templing the ark of God by day and night!
    Noiseless and swift, from darkening ridge to ridge,
    Through purple air that deepens down the day,
    Over the valley springs a shadowy bridge.
      The evening star’s keen,...

  • Glory and honor and fame and everlasting laudation
    For our captains who loved not war, but fought for the life of the nation;
    Who knew that, in all the land, one slave meant strife, not peace;
    Who fought for freedom, not glory; made war that war might cease.

    Glory and honor and fame; the beating of muffled drums;
    The wailing funeral dirge, as the flag-...