• Not trust you, dear? Nay, ’t is not true.
      As sailors trust the shifting sea
    From day to day, so I trust you.
      They know how smooth the sea can be;
    And well they know its treachery
      When tempests blow; yet forth they thrust
    Their ships, as in security.
      They trust it, dear, because they must.

  • A simple-hearted child was He,
      And He was nothing more;
    In summer days, like you and me,
      He played about the door,
    Or gathered, where the father toiled.
      The shavings from the floor.

    Sometimes He lay upon the grass,
      The same as you and I,
    And saw the hawks above Him pass
      Like specks against the sky;

  • The long, gray moss that softly swings
        In solemn grandeur from the trees,
        Like mournful funeral draperies,—
    A brown-winged bird that never sings.

    A shallow, stagnant, inland sea,
        Where rank swamp grasses wave, and where
        A deadliness lurks in the air,—
    A sere leaf falling silently.

    The death-like calm on every...

  • I pray you, what ’s asleep?
      The lily-pads, and riffles, and the reeds;
    No longer inward do the waters creep,
      No longer outwardly their force recedes,
    And widowed Night, in blackness wide and deep,
      Resumes her weeds.

    I pray you, what ’s awake?
      A host of stars, the long, long milky way
    That stretches out, a glistening...

  • The heavy mists have crept away,
      Heavily swims the sun,
    And dim in mystic cloudlands gray
      The stars fade one by one;
    Out of the dusk enveloping
      Come marsh and sky and tree,
    Where erst has rested night’s dark ring
      Over the Kankakee.

    “Mark right!” Afar and faint outlined
      A flock of mallards fly,
    We crouch...

  • Under the shadows of a cliff
    Crowned with a growth of stately pine
    An angler moors his rocking skiff
    And o’er the ripple casts his line,
    And where the darkling current crawls
    Like thistle-down the gay lure falls.

    Then from the depths a silver gleam
    Quick flashes, like a jewel bright,
    Up through the waters of the stream

  • Beside that tent and under guard
    In majesty alone he stands,
    As some chained eagle, broken-winged,
    With eyes that gleam like smouldering brands,—
    A savage face, streaked o’er with paint,
    And coal-black hair in unkempt mane.
    Thin, cruel lips, set rigidly,—
    A red Apache Tamerlane.

    As restless as the desert winds,
    Yet here...

  • I fear no power a woman wields
    While I can have the woods and fields,
    With comradeship alone of gun,
    Gray marsh-wastes and the burning sun.

    For aye the heart’s most poignant pain
    Will wear away ’neath hail and rain,
    And rush of winds through branches bare
    With something still to do and dare,

    The lonely watch beside the shore,...

  • O thorn-crowned Sorrow, pitiless and stern,
    I sit alone with broken heart, my head
    Low bowed, keeping long vigil with my dead.
    My soul, unutterably sad, doth yearn
    Beyond relief in tears—they only burn
    My aching eyelids to fall back unshed
    Upon the throbbing brain like molten lead,
    Making it frenzied. Shall I ever learn
    To face...

  • O power of Love, O wondrous mystery!
    How is my dark illumined by thy light,
    That maketh morning of my gloomy night,
    Setting my soul from Sorrow’s bondage free
    With swift-sent revelation! yea, I see
    Beyond the limitation of my sight
    And senses, comprehending now, aright,
    To-day’s proportion to Eternity.
    Through thee, my faith in...