Hannah Parker Kimball

  • Not trust you, dear? Nay, ’t is not true.
      As sailors trust the shifting sea
    From day to day, so I trust you.
      They know how smooth the sea can be;
    And well they know its treachery
      When tempests blow; yet forth they thrust
    Their ships, as in...

  • Myriads of motley molecules through space
    Move round triumphant. By their whirlpool pace
      Shall we be shaken? All in earth’s vast span,
    Our very bodies, veer to other shapes,
    Mid the mad dance one stubborn power escapes,
      Looks on and marvels,—’t is the...

  • Once when the wind was on the roof,
    And nature seemed to question fate,
    A fiery angel, in a dream,
    Called on a soul to contemplate.

    “Look well about thy precincts, learn
    What is thy gain, thy final stock,
    Obtained from living day by day.”...