• Momus agite ses grelots,
    Comus allume ses fourneaux,
    Bacchus s'enivre sur sa tonne,
    Pallas déraisonne,
    Apollon détonne ;
    Trouble divin, bruit infernal...
    V'là c' que c'est que l' carnaval.

    Au lever du soleil on dort,
    Au lever de la lune on sort ;
    L'époux, bien calme et bien fidèle,
    Laisse aller sa belle
    Où l'amour l'appelle :...

  • Quand dans l’air obscurci sévit le rude hiver
    Qu’il balaye la neige au plus haut de l’éther,
    Le paysan transi de froid et de misère
    À l’aspect de ses champs pleure et se désespère :
    Il voit surgir des monts jusqu’alors inconnus,
    Disparaître la plaine et ses sentiers connus,
    Son œil inquisiteur ne voit plus la...

    Voûtes du Panthéon, quel mort illustre et rare
           S'ouvre vos dômes glorieux ?
    Pourquoi vois-je David qui larmoie, et prépare
           Sa palette qui fait des Dieux ?
    O ciel ! faut-il le croire ! ô destins ! ô fortune !
           O cercueil arrosé de pleurs !
    Oh ! que ne puis-je ouïr Barère à la tribune,
           Gros de pathos et de douleurs !...

    Le Mois voluptueux, par nos champs attendu,
    Sur l'aile des zéphyrs du ciel est descendu :
    Il s'avance, il sourit à la nature entière :
    Ses longs cheveux, tressés de fleurs et de lumière,
    Exhalent, dans les airs, les parfums les plus doux,
    La terre, avec transport, reçoit son jeune époux,
    Et laisse au loin flotter, sur le lit d'Hyménée,
    Sa robe...

  • City of God, how broad and far
      Outspread thy walls sublime!
    The true thy chartered freemen are,
      Of every age and clime.

    One holy Church, one army strong,
      One steadfast high intent,
    One working band, one harvest-song,
      One King Omnipotent.

    How purely hath thy speech come down
      From man’s primeval youth;

  • Life of Ages, richly poured,
    Love of God, unspent and free,
    Flowing in the Prophet’s word
    And the People’s liberty!

    Never was to chosen race
    That unstinted tide confined;
    Thine is every time and place,
    Fountain sweet of heart and mind!

    Secret of the morning stars,
    Motion of the oldest hours,
    Pledge through...

  • Children are what the mothers are.
    No fondest father’s fondest care
    Can fashion so the infant heart
    As those creative beams that dart,
    With all their hopes and fears, upon
    The cradle of a sleeping son.

    His startled eyes with wonder see
    A father near him on his knee,
    Who wishes all the while to trace
    The mother in his...

  • Six Years Old
    O THOU whose fancies from afar are brought;
    Who of thy words dost make a mock apparel,
    And fittest to unutterable thought
    The breeze-like motion and the self-born carol,
    Thou fairy voyager! that dost float
    In such clear water, that thy boat
    May rather seem
    To brood on air than on an earthly stream—

  • Three years she grew in sun and shower;
    Then Nature said, “A lovelier flower
      On earth was never sown:
    This child I to myself will take;
    She shall be mine, and I will make
      A lady of my own.

    “Myself will to my darling be
    Both law and impulse; and with me
      The girl, in rock and plain,
    In earth and heaven, in glade and...

  •             A Simple child,
      That lightly draws its breath,
    And feels its life in every limb,
      What should it know of death?

    I met a little cottage girl:
      She was eight years old, she said;
    Her hair was thick with many a curl
      That clustered round her head.

    She had a rustic, woodland air,
      And she was wildly clad...