• Sez Corporal Madden to Private McFadden:
        “Bedad, yer a bad ’un!
        Now turn out yer toes!
        Yer belt is unhookit,
        Yer cap is on crookit,
        Ye may not be dhrunk,
        But, be jabers, ye look it!
    Ye monkey-faced divil, I ’ll jolly ye through!

  • “yer know me little nipper,”
    Said ’Energy ’Awkins, M. P.
    “Well, ’e ’s a little champion,
    An’ tikes on arfter me.
    Larst Sunday me an’ the missus
    Went out fer a little walk—
    I should say the nipper took us,
    Yer should o’ ’eard ’im tork!

    “We went along through Tyburn,
    An’ then by ’Endon way,
    W’ere I ust ter do me...

  • Fifty leagues, fifty leagues—and I ride, and I ride—
    Fifty leagues as the black crow flies.
    None of the three are by my side…
    The bay horse reels, and the bay horse dies—
    But I ride, and I ride
    To Callice.

    We were four, we were four—and I ride, and I ride—
    We were four, but Porthos lies
    God knows where by the highway side…...

  • Poor Creature! nay, I ’ll not say poor,
    Why, surely, thou art wondrous blest;
    Right royal is this sepulchre
    Fate gave thee for thy last long rest.

    See here—’t is but two lines above
    The spot that marks thy early tomb—
    Here Paris breathes his burning love
    To her who compassed Ilia’s doom.

    And here, upon a neighboring page,...

  • Methinks the measure of a man is not
    To save a state in midst of fierce alarms,
    Do noble deeds and mighty feats of arms,
    And feel the breath of battle waxing hot.
    There have been Cæsars whose more humble lot
    Forbade that they should bear the victor’s palms;
    Cromwells who never left their peaceful farms;
    Napoleons without ambition’s blot....

  • Oh, I am weary of a heart that brings
    Star-worship even to the shining sun:
    Rather a savage whose whole heart hath won
    Radiance and joy from sunlight than whose wings
    Flutter and fade before the twilight rings:
    Why should we falter when the night is done,—
    Dream-weavers, trembling in dim mists that stun
    All things divorced from thought,...

  • Oft have I stood upon the foaming strand
    Watching the moonlight tremble on the sea;
    Oft have I seen the stars fade silently
    When gleaming dawn drove night across the land;
    Oft have I watched the storm lift o’er the sand
    The ocean in his might and majesty;
    Now are these joys a mockery to me
    Since on mine eyes, God, Thou hast laid Thine...

  • Agnes, thou child of harmony, now fled
    From scenes once bright-illumined with thy smile,
    So innocent and kind, free from the guile
    Of Orient charm, mysterious and dread,—
    Where shall I seek thee, maid? Thou art not dead.
    No, Nature’s heart would break, count all else vile,
    Bereft of thee e’en for a little while.
    Where art thou, then? Hast...

  • Through my open window comes the sweet perfuming
    Of roses reddening under skies of June;
      No sight more fair than roses in red bloom,
      No air more sweet than doth the rose perfume;
    And yet was never there a rose but died in blooming.

  • I Know, I know where violets blow
      Upon a sweet hillside,
    And very bashfully they grow
      And in the grasses hide—
    It is the fairest field, I trow,
      In the whole world wide.

    One spring I saw two lassies go,
      Brown cheek and laughing eye;
    They swung their aprons to and fro,
      They filled them very high