• May

    The wind is tossing the lilacs,
    The new leaves laugh in the sun,
    And the petals fall on the orchard wall,
    But for me the spring is done.

    Beneath the apple blossoms
    I go a wintry way,
    For love that smiled in April
    Is false to me in May.

  • Shall we, too, rise forgetful from our sleep,
    And shall my soul that lies within your hand
    Remember nothing, as the blowing sand
    Forgets the palm where long blue shadows creep
    When winds along the darkened desert sweep?

    Or would it still remember, tho' it spanned
    A thousand heavens, while the planets fanned
    The vacant ether with their voices deep?

  • I am not yours, not lost in you,
    Not lost, although I long to be
    Lost as a candle lit at noon,
    Lost as a snowflake in the sea.

    You love me, and I find you still
    A spirit beautiful and bright,
    Yet I am I, who long to be
    Lost as a light is lost in light.

    Oh plunge me deep in love, put out
    My senses, leave me deaf and blind,
    Swept by the...

  • When April bends above me
    And finds me fast asleep
    Dust need not keep the secret
    A live heart died to keep.

    When April tells the thrushes,
    The meadow-larks will know,
    And pipe the three words lightly
    To all the winds that blow.

    Above his roof the swallows,
    In notes like far-blown rain,
    Will tell the little sparrow
    Beside his window-...

  • I thought of you and how you love this beauty,
    And walking up the long beach all alone
    I heard the waves breaking in measured thunder
    As you and I once heard their monotone.

    Around me were the echoing dunes, beyond me
    The cold and sparkling silver of the sea,
    We two will pass through death and ages lengthen
    Before you hear that sound again with me.

  • I would live in your love as the sea-grasses live in the sea,
    Borne up by each wave as it passes, drawn down by each wave that

    I would empty my soul of the dreams that have gathered in me,
    I would beat with your heart as it beats, I would follow your soul
    as it leads.

  • Out through the fields and the woods
    And over the walls I have wended;
    I have climbed the hills of view
    And looked at the world, and descended;
    I have come by the highway home,
    And lo, it is ended.

    The leaves are all dead on the ground,
    Save those that the oak is keeping
    To ravel them one by one
    And let them go scraping and creeping
    Out over...

  • All day long I have been working,
    Now I am tired.
    I call:“Where are you?”
    But there is only the oak tree rustling in the wind.
    The house is very quiet,
    The sun shines in on your books,
    On your scissors and thimble just put down,
    But you are not there.
    Suddenly I am lonely:
    Where are you?
    I go about searching.

    Then I see you,

  • There is something about Death
    Like love itself!
    If with some one with whom you have known passion,
    And the glow of youthful love,
    You also, after years of life
    Together, feel the sinking of the fire,
    And thus fade away together,
    Gradually, faintly, delicately,
    As it were in each other's arms,
    Passing from the familiar room --
    That is a power...

  • Why did you give no hint that night
    That quickly after the morrow's dawn,
    And calmly, as if indifferent quite,
    You would close your term here, up and be gone
    Where I could not follow
    With wing of swallow
    To gain one glimpse of you ever anon!

    Never to bid good-bye
    Or lip me the softest call,
    Or utter a wish for a word, while I
    Saw morning...