• Daddy Neptune, one day, to Freedom did say,
      If ever I lived upon dry land,
    The spot I should hit on would be little Britain!
      Says Freedom, “Why, that ’s my own island!”
          O, it ’s a snug little island!
          A right little, tight little island!
        Search the globe round, none can be found
          So happy as this little island....

  • He tripped up the steps with a bow and a smile,
    Offering snuff to the chaplain the while,
    A rose at his button-hole that afternoon—
    ’T was the tenth of the month, and the month it was June.

    Then shrugging his shoulders, he looked at the man
    With the mask and the axe, and a murmuring ran
    Through the crowd, who below, were all pushing to see...

  • God save our gracious king!
    Long live our noble king!
      God save the king!
    Send him victorious,
    Happy and glorious,
    Long to reign over us—
      God save the king!

    O Lord our God, arise!
    Scatter his enemies,
      And make them fall;
    Confound their politics,
    Frustrate their knavish tricks;
    On him our...

  • He filled the crystal goblet
      With golden-beaded wine:
    “Come, comrades, now, I bid ye—
      ‘To the true love of mine!’

    “Her forehead ’s pure and holy,
      Her hair is tangled gold,
    Her heart to me so tender,
      To others’ love is cold.

    “So drain your glasses empty
      And fill me another yet;
    Two glasses at least for...

  •  Or, the British Soldier in China
      [“Some Seiks, and a private of the Buffs, 1 having remained behind with the grog carts, fell into the hands of the Chinese. On the next day they were brought before the authorities and ordered to perform Kotou. The Seiks obeyed, but Moyse, the English soldier, declared he would not prostrate himself before any Chinaman alive, and was...

  • From the Greek by William Collins

    THEY ’RE always abusing the women,
      As a terrible plague to men:
    They say we ’re the root of all evil,
      And repeat it again and again;
    Of war, and quarrels, and bloodshed,
      All mischief, be what it may!
    And pray, then, why do you marry us,
      If we ’re all the plagues you say?
    And why do...

  • From the German by Charles Timothy Brooks

    WHICH way to Weinsberg? neighbor, say!
      ’T is sure a famous city:
    It must have cradled, in its day,
    Full many a maid of noble clay,
      And matrons wise and witty;
    And if ever marriage should happen to me,
    A Weinsberg dame my wife shall be.

    King Conrad once, historians say,

  • Werther had a love for Charlotte
      Such as words could never utter;
    Would you know how first he met her?
      She was cutting bread and butter.

    Charlotte was a married lady,
      And a moral man was Werther,
    And for all the wealth of Indies
      Would do nothing for to hurt her.

    So he sighed and pined and ogled,
      And his...

  •    “In the parish of St. Neots, Cornwall, is a well arched over with the robes of four kinds of trees,—withy, oak, elm, and ash,—and dedicated to St. Keyne. The reported virtue of the water is this, that, whether husband or wife first drink thereof, they get the mastery thereby.”

    A WELL there is in the West country,
      And a clearer one never was seen;...

  • Years, years ago, ere yet my dreams
      Had been of being wise or witty,
    Ere I had done with writing themes,
      Or yawned o’er this infernal Chitty,—
    Years, years ago, while all my joys
      Were in my fowling-piece and filly;
    In short, while I was yet a boy,
      I fell in love with Laura Lilly.

    I saw her at the county ball;