Winthrop Mackworth Praed

  • Years, years ago, ere yet my dreams
      Had been of being wise or witty,
    Ere I had done with writing themes,
      Or yawned o’er this infernal Chitty,—
    Years, years ago, while all my joys
      Were in my fowling-piece and filly;
    In short, while I was yet a...

  • Charade
    COME from my first, ay, come!
        The battle-dawn is nigh;
    And the screaming trump and the thundering drum
        Are calling thee to die!

    Fight as thy father fought;
        Fall as thy father fell;
    Thy task is taught; thy shroud is...

  • Now the rite is duly done,
      Now the word is spoken,
    And the spell has made us one
      Which may ne’er be broken;
    Rest we, dearest, in our home,
      Roam we o’er the heather:
    We shall rest, and we shall roam,
      Shall we not? together.
