• Come, listen to me, you gallants so free,
      All you that love mirth for to hear,
    And I will tell you of a bold outlaw,
      That lived in Nottinghamshire.

    As Robin Hood in the forest stood,
      All under the greenwood tree,
    There he was aware of a brave young man,
      As fine as fine might be.

    The youngster was clad in scarlet-red,...

  • George Iii. and a Dying Woman in Windsor Forest

    OUTSTRETCHED beneath the leafy shade
    Of Windsor forest’s deepest glade,
        A dying woman lay;
    Three little children round her stood,
    And there went up from the greenwood
        A woful wail that day.

    “O mother!” was the mingled cry,
    “O mother, mother! do not die,

  • A Ballad of the Fleet
    AT Flores in the Azores Sir Richard Grenville lay,
    And a pinnace, like a fluttered bird, came flying from far away:
    “Spanish ships of war at sea! we have sighted fifty-three!”
    Then sware Lord Thomas Howard: “’Fore God I am no coward;
    But I cannot meet them here, for my ships are out of gear,
    And the half my men are...

  • From “King John,” Act V. Sc. 7.
    THIS England never did, nor never shall,
    Lie at the proud foot of a conqueror,*        *        *        *        *
    Come the three corners of the world in arms,
    And we shall shock them. Nought shall make us rue,
    If England to itself do rest but true.

  • “o, Came ye ower by the Yoke-burn Ford,
      Or down the King’s Road o’ the cleuch? 1
    Or saw ye a knight and a lady bright,
      Wha ha’e gane the gate they baith shall rue?”

    “I saw a knight and a lady bright
      Ride up the cleuch at the break of day;
    The knight upon a coal-black steed,
      And the dame on one of a silver-gray.


  • A Chieftain, to the Highlands bound,
      Cries, “Boatman, do not tarry!
    And I ’ll give thee a silver pound,
      To row us o’er the ferry.”

    “Now who be ye, would cross Lochgyle,
      This dark and stormy water?”
    “O, I ’m the chief of Ulva’s isle,
      And this Lord Ullin’s daughter.

    “And fast before her father’s men
      Three days...

  • From “Marmion,” Canto VI.

    NOT far advanced was morning day,
    When Marmion did his troops array
      To Surrey’s camp to ride;
    He had safe-conduct for his band,
    Beneath the royal seal and hand,
      And Douglas gave a guide:
    The ancient Earl, with stately grace,
    Would Clara on her palfrey place,
    And whispered in an undertone,...

  • From “The Lady of the Lake,” Canto V.

                    “I AM by promise tried
    To match me with this man of pride:
    Twice have I sought Clan-Alpine’s glen
    In peace; but when I come again,
    I come with banner, brand, and bow,
    As leader seek this mortal foe.
    For lovelorn swain, in lady’s bower,
    Ne’er panted for the appointed hour,...

  • From “The Lady of the Lake,” Canto VI.

            A FOOTSTEP struck her ear,
    And Snowdoun’s graceful Knight was near.
    She turned the hastier, lest again
    The prisoner should renew his strain.
    “O welcome, brave Fitz-James!” she said;
    “How may an almost orphan maid
    Pay the deep debt”—“O, say not so!
    To me no gratitude you owe.

  • “oh, wha hae ye brought us hame now, my brave lord,
              Strappit naught ower his braid saddle-bow?
    Some bauld Border reiver to feast at our board
              An’ herry our pantry, I trow.
    He ’s buirdly an’ stalwart in lith an’ in limb:
              Gin ye were his master in war
    The field was a saft eneugh litter for him—