• From “Sonnets in Shadow”
    THERE is such power even in smallest things
      To bring the dear past back; a flower’s tint,
      A snatch of some old song, the fleeting glint
    Of sunbeams on the wave—each vivid brings

    The lost days up, as from the idle strings
      Of wind-harp sad a breeze evokes the hint
      Of antique tunes. A glove which keeps...

  • During His Solitary Abode in the Island of Juan Fernandez

    I AM monarch of all I survey,—
      My right there is none to dispute;
    From the centre all round to the sea,
      I am lord of the fowl and the brute.
    O Solitude! where are the charms
      That sages have seen in thy face?
    Better dwell in the midst of alarms
      Than reign in this...

  • From the German by Thomas Carlyle
    From “Wilhelm Meister”
    “KNOW’ST thou the land where citron-apples bloom,
    And oranges like gold in leafy gloom,
    A gentle wind from deep-blue heaven blows,
    The myrtle thick, and high the laurel grows?
    Know’st thou it then?
                        ’T is there! ’T is there,
    O my true loved one, thou with me...

  • Oft in the stilly night,
      Ere slumber’s chain has bound me,
    Fond Memory brings the light
      Of other days around me:
        The smiles, the tears,
        Of boyhood’s years,
      The words of love then spoken;
        The eyes that shone,
        Now dimmed and gone,
      The cheerful hearts now broken.
    Thus in the stilly night,...

  • Where now these mingled ruins lie
      A temple once to Bacchus rose,
    Beneath whose roof, aspiring high,
      Full many a guest forgot his woes.

    No more this dome, by tempests torn,
      Affords a social safe retreat;
    But ravens here, with eye forlorn,
      And clustering bats henceforth will meet.

    The Priestess of this ruined shrine,...

  • ’t Is but a little faded flower,
      But oh, how fondly dear!
    ’T will bring me back one golden hour,
      Through many a weary year.
    I may not to the world impart
      The secret of its power,
    But treasured in my inmost heart,
      I keep my faded flower.

    Where is the heart that doth not keep,
      Within its inmost core,

  • Ha! bully for me again, when my turn for picket is over,
    And now for a smoke as I lie, with the moonlight, out in the clover.

    My pipe, it ’s only a knot from the root of a brier-wood tree,
    But it turns my heart to the Northward—Harry gave it to me.

    And I ’m but a rough at best, bred up to the row and the riot;
    But a softness comes over my heart, when...

  • From the Greek by Robert Bland
    ALL hail, Remembrance and Forgetfulness!
      Trace, Memory, trace whate’er is sweet or kind:
    When friends forsake us or misfortunes press,
      Oblivion, ’rase the record from our mind.

  • Most sweet it is with unuplifted eyes
    To pace the ground, if path there be or none,
    While a fair region round the traveller lies
    Which he forbears again to look upon;
    Pleased rather with some soft ideal scene,
    The work of fancy, or some happy tone
    Of meditation, slipping in between
    The beauty coming and the beauty gone.
    If Thought...

  • Thought is deeper than all speech,
      Feeling deeper than all thought;
    Souls to souls can never teach
      What unto themselves was taught.

    We are spirits clad in veils;
      Man by man was never seen;
    All our deep communing fails
      To remove the shadowy screen.

    Heart to heart was never known;
      Mind with mind did never meet...