• Saint Augustine! well hast thou said,
      That of our vices we can frame
    A ladder, if we will but tread
      Beneath our feet each deed of shame!

    All common things, each day’s events,
      That with the hour begin and end,
    Our pleasures and our discontents,
      Are rounds by which we may ascend.

    The low desire, the base design,...

  •         “CARRY me across!”
    The Syrian heard, rose up, and braced
    His huge limbs to the accustomed toil:
    “My child, see how the waters boil?
    The night-black heavens look angry-faced;
            But life is little loss.

            “I ’ll carry thee with joy,
    If needs be, safe as nestling dove:
    For o’er this stream I pilgrims bring...

  • When words are weak and foes encountering strong,
    Where mightier do assault than do defend,
    The feebler part puts up enforced wrong,
    And silent sees that speech could not amend.
    Yet higher powers most think though they repine,—
    When sun is set, the little stars will shine.

    While pike doth range, the silly tench doth fly,
    And crouch in...

  • O, It is hard to work for God,
      To rise and take his part
    Upon this battle-field of earth,
      And not sometimes lose heart!

    He hides himself so wondrously,
      As though there were no God;
    He is least seen when all the powers
      Of ill are most abroad.

    Or he deserts us at the hour
      The fight is all but lost;

  • From “Bitter Sweet”
    THUS is it all over the earth!
      That which we call the fairest,
    And prize for its surpassing worth,
                Is always rarest.

    Iron is heaped in mountain piles,
      And gluts the laggard forges;
    But gold-flakes gleam in dim defiles
                And lonely gorges.

    The snowy marble flecks the land...

  • Stand up—erect! Thou hast the form
      And likeness of thy God!—Who more?
    A soul as dauntless ’mid the storm
    Of daily life, a heart as warm
        And pure, as breast e’er wore.

    What then?—Thou art as true a man
      As moves the human mass among;
    As much a part of the great plan
    That with creation’s dawn began,
        As any of...

  • Is this a fast,—to keep
        The larder lean,
            And clean
    From fat of veals and sheep?

    Is it to quit the dish
        Of flesh, yet still
            To fill
    The platter high with fish?

    Is it to fast an hour,
        Or ragg’d to go,
            Or show
    A downcast look, and sour?

    No! ’t is a fast to dole...

  • Thou whose sweet youth and early hopes enhance
    Thy rate and price, and mark thee for a treasure,
    Hearken unto a Verser, who may chance
    Rhyme thee to good, and make a bait of pleasure:
        A verse may find him who a sermon flies
        And turn delight into a sacrifice.*        *        *        *        *
    When thou dost purpose aught (within thy...

  • Water Turned INTO WINE
    THE CONSCIOUS water saw its God and blushed.

    Two mites, two drops, yet all her house and land,
    Fall from a steady heart, though trembling hand:
    The other’s wanton wealth foams high, and brave;
    The other cast away, she only gave.

        Two went to pray? O,...

  • God of the thunder! from whose cloudy seat
      The fiery winds of Desolation flow;
    Father of vengeance, that with purple feet
      Like a full wine-press tread’st the world below;
    The embattled armies wait thy sign to slay,
    Nor springs the beast of havoc on his prey,
    Nor withering Famine walks his blasted way,
      Till thou hast marked the...