William Davis Gallagher

  • Stand up—erect! Thou hast the form
      And likeness of thy God!—Who more?
    A soul as dauntless ’mid the storm
    Of daily life, a heart as warm
        And pure, as breast e’er wore.

    What then?—Thou art as true a man
      As moves the human mass among;...

  •   the autumn time is with us. Its approach
    Was heralded, not many days ago,
    By hazy skies that veiled the brazen sun,
    And sea-like murmurs from the rustling corn,
    And low-voiced brooks that wandered drowsily
    By pendent clusters of empurpling grapes...

  • A day and then a week passed by:
      The redbird hanging from the sill
    Sang not; and all were wondering why
        It was so still—
    When one bright morning, loud and clear,
    Its whistle smote my drowsy ear,
    Ten times repeated, till the sound