• Alas! that men must see
        Love, before Death!
    Else they content might be
        With their short breath;
    Aye, glad, when the pale sun
    Showed restless day was done,
    And endless Rest begun.

    Glad, when with strong, cool hand
        Death clasped their own,
    And with a strange command
        Hushed every moan;

  • Anonymous Translation from the German

    METHINKS it were no pain to die
    On such an eve, when such a sky
        O’er-canopies the west;
    To gaze my fill on yon calm deep,
    And, like an infant, fall asleep
        On Earth, my mother’s breast.

    There ’s peace and welcome in yon sea
    Of endless blue tranquillity:
        These clouds are...

  • “And so saying, he fell asleep.”
    Martyrdom of Saint Stephen
    ASLEEP! asleep! men talk of “sleep,”
    When all adown the silent deep
      The shades of night are stealing;
    When like a curtain, soft and vast,
    The darkness over all is cast,
    And sombre stillness comes at last,
      To the mute heart appealing.

    Asleep! asleep! when soft...

  • I Lay me down to sleep,
      With little care
    Whether my waking find
      Me here, or there.

    A bowing, burdened head
      That only asks to rest,
    Unquestioning, upon
      A loving breast.

    My good right-hand forgets
      Its cunning now;
    To march the weary march
      I know not how.

    I am not eager, bold,...

  • I Think it is over, over,
      I think it is over at last:
    Voices of foemen and lover,
    The sweet and the bitter, have passed:
    Life, like a tempest of ocean
    Hath outblown its ultimate blast:
    There ’s but a faint sobbing seaward
    While the calm of the tide deepens leeward,
    And behold! like the welcoming quiver
    Of heart-pulses...

  • Oh, hush thee, Earth! Fold thou thy weary palms!
      The sunset glory fadeth in the west;
      The purple splendor leaves the mountain’s crest;
    Gray twilight comes as one who beareth alms,
    Darkness and silence and delicious calms.
      Take thou the gift, O Earth! On Night’s soft breast
      Lay thy tired head and sink to dreamless rest,
    Lulled by...

  • “Animula, vagula, blandula.”
      LIFE! I know not what thou art,
    But know that thou and I must part;
    And when, or how, or where we met
    I own to me ’s a secret yet.
    But this I know, when thou art fled,
    Where’er they lay these limbs, this head,
    No clod so valueless shall be,
    As all that then remains of me.
    O, whither, whither...

  • A Free Paraphrase of the German
    TO weary hearts, to mourning homes,
    God’s meekest Angel gently comes:
    No power has he to banish pain,
    Or give us back our lost again;
    And yet in tenderest love our dear
    And heavenly Father sends him here.

    There ’s quiet in that Angel’s glance,
    There ’s rest in his still countenance!

  • They are all gone into the world of light,
      And I alone sit lingering here!
    Their very memory is fair and bright,
        And my sad thoughts doth clear;

    It glows and glitters in my cloudy breast,
      Like stars upon some gloomy grove,—
    Or those faint beams in which this hill is drest
        After the sun’s remove.

    I see them walking...

  • In the best chamber of the house,
      Shut up in dim, uncertain light,
    There stood an antique chest of drawers,
      Of foreign wood, with brasses bright.
    One day a woman, frail and gray,
      Stepped totteringly across the floor—
    “Let in,” said she, “the light of day,
      Then, Jean, unlock the bottom drawer.”

    The girl, in all her youth’...